Sacrebleu! A Castle to Chateau training journal (updated 09/25)

Injury Update

I played Rugby on Monday and was having a great game, I scored a good try and set another one up and we were winning comfortably. Then it happened... I was chasing a player and I felt my hamstring muscle *GO* mid stride. I lay down and had a team member stretch my leg but I could no longer run on it. I continued to play because our only sub was also injured and there was only 5mins left but I could barely jog so I didn't contribute much.

I iced it right away and walked (slowly) home. I iced it again at home and then followed up with an epsom salt bath and some very gentle rolling.

Tuesday I was walking a lot better but I could feel that it was definitely my hamstring and it seemed to be the right side of my right leg.

It's hard to tell for sure as the muscles kinda wrap but I think from the below it's the Semitendinosus but on my right leg


So it's Wednesday today and I'm walking perfectly fine but I can still feel it. I don't seem to be using the muscle to walk or even on stairs and it's only the odd movement where I can really feel it but it's definitely not right. I can only assuming that I was over stretched when I was sprinting and I've had this underlying issue with hamstring the past few weeks and this was the result of it.

Luckily I'd already booked a phsyio appointment for Friday (also my birthday... present to myself.. haha) back in Ireland with the physio I loved going to for my Dopey training. I'm hoping the news is not as bad as what I'm expecting.

I've been feeling SO FRUSTRATED these last few weeks and particularly the last two. I was so determined and in such a good mind set to crack on with my training after my lovely holiday and it just wasn't happening. I nearly feel a bit of relief now that I've got a specific problem to blame this on because I've been struggling with my hamstring/knee/back and maybe just maybe this injury is the source and I can get it treated and move on!

I've been trying to keep a positive attitude and have been reading some great running TR's by @roxymama, @ZellyB & @Ariel484 from the Tink weekend at Disneyland. I know each have had their own rollar coaster journeys so I'm trying to focus on that and just except that this is just a low point and I'll soon be on the climb again!

ANYWAY... I'll know more on Friday... Hope everyone is having a good week! :upsidedow

Ice your leg and then follow with ice cream. I don't have a medical degree, but it seems that should help!

Sorry about your injury but always good to catch things than continue on and hurt yourself more!
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. I've had some hamstring pulls in the past and they stink. Agreed on the REST. I have stupidly pushed too soon on a strained hamstring and paid the price, so be sure you give yourself time to heal.
Injury Update

I had my physio appointment last Friday (on my birthday lol) and despite my leg feeling a lot better as I’d been resting/icing/heating as soon as she went in on the hamstring I knew it was bad. She confirmed that I tore a hamstring muscle. Luckily it wasn't too severe, she treated it with dry needling which is SO PAINFUL but has always been the most efficient and effective treatment I’ve had for muscle injury. It was SORE afterwards so walking around that day was fun! I’ve been ordered to give the muscle two weeks to rest, I’m lucky that walking doesn’t affect it (as long as I don’t try to power walk) and she did say I could try to do a light jog after a week but that it was best not to.

It’s been a week now and apart from right after the treatment I’ve not really felt anything in the area until today. I was planning to walk to work but I could feel a slight twinge in the muscle so opted for the tube instead. I was planning to try a jog at the weekend but I think I’m going to wait out the full two weeks now.

I’ve included some info below on dry needling in case you are interested:

Dry needling is a technique physical therapists us to treat myofascial pain. The technique uses a “dry” needle, one without medication or injection, inserted through the skin into areas of the muscle, known as trigger points. A trigger point is a taut band of skeletal muscle located within a larger muscle group. Trigger points can be tender to the touch, and touching a trigger point may cause pain to other parts of the body.

Physical therapists use dry needling with the goal of releasing or inactivating trigger points to relieve pain or improve range of motion. Preliminary research 2 supports that dry needling improves pain control, reduces muscle tension, and normalizes dysfunctions of the motor end plates, the sites at which nerve impulses are transmitted to muscles. This can help speed up the patient's return to active rehabilitation.

Dry needling is not acupuncture, a practice based on traditional Chinese medicine and performed by acupuncturists.

In other news:

I was back in Dublin for the weekend of my birthday and I had such a lovely time! I hadn’t actually been home since Christmas which is the longest I’ve ever gone without being home, this was mainly because my family came to visit me in February and we each had trips away in March and April. My lovely sister SPOILT me for my birthday with some great Disney gifts including this backpack from Vans that I’ve wanted for ages to match my Toy Story Vans


Can't wait to wear this in Disneyland Paris... Which brings me onto my next bit of news...

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REST REST REST!! Glad you made an appointment, crossing my fingers that you'll get good news!

Unfortunately not good news but also not the worst news as the tear wasn't a big one... I am resting though!

Ice your leg and then follow with ice cream. I don't have a medical degree, but it seems that should help!

Sorry about your injury but always good to catch things than continue on and hurt yourself more!

I have literally followed your advice... I've eaten quite a bit of ice-cream in the last week! It's pretty hot here at the moment.

Thanks lovely! I think I'm lucky it wasn't a severe tear :o

Oh no! Hope you are back up and running (double meaning ;) ) soon!! Take care!

Aw thank you!! I hope so too! :D

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that. I've had some hamstring pulls in the past and they stink. Agreed on the REST. I have stupidly pushed too soon on a strained hamstring and paid the price, so be sure you give yourself time to heal.

Yes... it certainly does stink! I'm just reading your trip report at the moment and loving it so far :lovestruc

I live in London and last night there was yet another attack in the UK, the second one in London. I was out with my best friend in London central, our original plan was to head to one of our favourite spots London's Borough Market but we read about a street food event in Kings Cross and decided to check it out instead. The weather was fabulous and we had a lovely time eating and drinking in the outdoors. We decided to call it an early night and I went back to my flat in north London. Later on I'm reading the horrible news out of London Bridge & Borough Market and I felt sick, upset and scared. My heart goes out to anyone affected.

With all that my mind was racing when I got into bed so I pulled out my phone and watched some Disney vlogs on YouTube. It really made me think about why I do this, why I post trip reports & make videos and why I spend so much of my time reading and watchers others. Disney for me like so many others is my happy place. In the Disney bubble I feel like I'm surrounded with happiness, love and with so many acts of kindness and so much effort invested in others enjoyment. I'm so grateful for the fantastic Disney community :lovestruc

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I'm glad you are safe as well. :hug: I can't imagine how it must feel to be so close to an event like that. Sending many good wishes to you and the other Londoners.
Glad you are safe. I'm sorry your country is going through so much at this time with your elections and all. Please don't let this scare you. I know we live in a turbulent times, but I hope your country makes the right decision on their upcoming election.
I am so glad that you are safe. :hug:

Thank you hun... I hope everything is good with you?? I've gone a few times to read your journal and then remembered that your finished for now lol Feel free to post any merch/bag/cute puppy pictures here for me to see haha

So scary. I am so glad you're safe. Sending lots of warm thoughts and hugs your way!

Aw thank you so much :lovestruc

I'm glad you are safe as well. :hug: I can't imagine how it must feel to be so close to an event like that. Sending many good wishes to you and the other Londoners.

It's horrible.. I'm constantly looking over my shoulder these days

Glad you are safe. I'm sorry your country is going through so much at this time with your elections and all. Please don't let this scare you. I know we live in a turbulent times, but I hope your country makes the right decision on their upcoming election.

Thank you and I'll certainly still be voting.
Your post gave me chills. So glad that you are safe. Disney vlogs are really good at blocking out all the crud going on around us for even just a few moments before back to reality.

On a happier note...I love you aliens backpack!
So happy I just discovered your training journal! I hope your hamstring is healing well. My sister-in-law plays rugby and I love watching them play. I always think the girls that play rugby are so bad a**! I wish I could be that cool!

And happy to hear you are safe after those awful London attacks. It's so sad how much hatred there is out there. I feel exactly as you do with Disney. It is certainly my happy place!
So happy I just discovered your training journal! I hope your hamstring is healing well. My sister-in-law plays rugby and I love watching them play. I always think the girls that play rugby are so bad a**! I wish I could be that cool!

And happy to hear you are safe after those awful London attacks. It's so sad how much hatred there is out there. I feel exactly as you do with Disney. It is certainly my happy place!

Hey! It's a lot better than it was, it's two weeks today from the treatment so I think I'm going to head out for my first run tomorrow, I've not felt the slightest twinge in the last few days so fingers crossed!

Well tag rugby is a lot less bad a** lol as there is no physical tackling involved but it's still a lot of fun! It is such an odd time in London with both the attacks and the election there is so much uncertainty... But the next week of weather looks beautiful and London is such an amazing place to be in the summer so I'm planning to make the most of it :D
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope your run tomorrow goes well!
Injury Update

3 weeks after my initial injury I went back to rugby today. I had physio two weeks ago on Friday and was advised to give it 2 weeks before playing sports. 15mins in and I'm running for a try when I feel it... I literally felt my hamstring tear... I was in a lot of pain and had to be lifted off the field but more than pain I felt absolutely GUTTED that I've gone back to square one. I cried and took a taxi home because I couldn't walk. I've been icing on and off all evening and it's now almost 1am and I've just gotten back up out of bed to ice it again because I can't sleep.

I've decided that this week I'm going to just have to focus on the things I CAN do...

1) Ice the hell out of my hamstring
2) Eat healthy
3) Some non hamstring exercise
4) Go to Disneyland Paris on Friday with my best friend aka my lil sis

I would very much appreciate any tips on offer for dealing with an injury like this.



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