Pre trip report - Surprise made me cry!


x Disney Mummy x
Jul 22, 2012
Hey everyone, I've not been here for a while but i did a trip report back in 2013 and loved it, we went again in 2016 but i just didn't have time to do it, what with having a 22 month in tow lol.

Any how here we are again, out trip of a lifetime in 2007 turned into another in 2010, followed by another in 2013, then 2016 and again this year as we will be going on September 11th 2018!! to say I am excited is an understatement! I am an avid planner, so have very much planned this holiday (our dining, where we will be on what day, our fastpasses etc). This time however has been very different planning wise. It is usually my partner, me, our son and my mum. But this year we invited my best friend and her son along to and they happily accepted!! Im too excited to be going with first timers :D then a few months after booking i start feeling poorly, super sick all the time, it made me question pregnancy..... id been told I couldn't have anymore babies so it was not likely but i figured i best test, low and behold 2 lines!!!! utter panic sets in, what do we do about the holiday? baby will only be 5-6 months old when we go! can we do it? how will we do it? lol...... we thought long and hard you know like an hour or so lol and decided it didn't matter we'd just add the baby to the booking and go for it :D so i broke the news to my mum and my friend their reactions were the same, but we all soon got our head round the idea and were looking forward to taking another little one along. (that wasn't the surprise) so any way i'll do a quick intro into who is who!

first there is me, mummy of two, nursery nurse, who loves everything Disney! id go every year id possible!

yep thats me, hey *waves* oh my names Kerry by the way, but I answer to mummy, mum, mama for the most part, my partner thinks its hilarious to call me Dopey!!

Then there's my Partner, Daddy of 2, construction manager, also a massive disney fan (i got lucky on that one!) he'd also go every year if possible!

His name is kev, he answers to daddy, dada, kev, oi, saus (as in the start of sausage) and my friends son calls him the sausage man lol!! I think its hilarious to call him Grumpy because my god when he has his grumpy pants on we do half know it!!

Next there's my mum, aka my Queen!! i worship the ground she walks on, shes amazing and does so much and more for us its unreal!! She is second mummy to my gorgeous children, they both adore their nana! she is a foster carer another Disney addict, already pricing up next year (and thats usually my job lol)

Her name is Chris, she answers to mum, Chris, Nan, nana, nanny, and grace.... yes grace an on going joke because of Starbucks on our last Disney world holiday.

Now onto mine and kevs first born! He is super excited for Disney world this time, he totally gets it, he knows we are going to see mickey mouse, he remembers more than i was aware from his last visit when he was 22 months, in fact his addiction to Disney started at Disney world! before we went there he wasn't even into the Disney Jnr channel, didn't have any real clue about Disney, and now he is as obsessed as we are, he is an adrenaline junkie already at age 4! if he could go on everything he would.

His name is Toby, he goes by the names of Toby, Tobes, gorgeous and Handsome, nothing like giving your kids good self esteem right!

Here is our 2nd born, our 2nd boy, he will turn just 6 months old whilst we are there and we cannot wait to introduce him to Disney world even if he wont remember, we will :D <3

He goes by the name of Hudson, but we generally call him pud or pud puds

Now on to my bestie, She has never been to Disney world before, but has been paris and was massively underwhelmed so is going into this holiday with open mind, I've assured her its magical *fingers crossed she comes back sharing our love for Disney*

she goes by the name of, sam, mummy and mum

lastly is Harrison sams son, he has also never been to Disney world but is totally excited to see mickey mouse and go on a plane.

Harrison turns 3 years old on our first full day, September 12th!!

Now this visit we are only doing Disney because of the kids all being small, we have upgraded the kids tickets to adult ones so that they get the adult dining plan, and we will be staying at old key west in a 2 bed villa.......... now onto the surprise, so at 60 days out, yep fast pass day i get a phone call, my brother who lives in Bermuda "Kel, flights are booked but you need to call your travel company add me to the room, and get me dining and tickets" OHHHHH MY GOD!! my brother is joining us from the 15th until the 24th! i cried, cried and cried some more! he finally gets to meet his new baby nephew to! Our eldest son also absolutely idolizes my brother and we haven't told him, so it'll be a complete surprise for him when my brother arrives :D

so lets introduce my brother..... he has traveled the world, he has never been to Disney world though, its not ever appealed to him, and he doesnt understand why we keep going back, however I am certain he will understand why we keep going back time and time again, very early on :D

This is him, he goes by the name of Paul, and uncle Paul Paul

I'll post about our plans tomorrow :D
Ok so its been a couple of days since i posted last after saying i'd post the next day, sorry! i have intracrainial hypertension and have very nearly wound up in hospital for a lumbar puncture this weekend, its still looking likely that i'll need one before our holiday :sad1::sad:

Anyhow onto the positive stuff! Our plans:

so we fly from Gatwick on September 11th at 13:00hrs (Im absolutely pooping myself, i am a nervous flyer without it being that date). But Im sure ill be ok on the day, if im not i don't have much choice anyway haha!! anyhow we land at 17:15, hoping to be at the hotel by 8:30pm, we are staying at old key west in a 2 bed villa, never stayed here before but i am getting rather excited to stay here it looks beautiful. Now because its Harrison's 3rd birthday on the 12th we are literally going to be throwing our luggage in the room and heading to Disney springs to shop for cake, and presents then back to the villa to put the kids in bed whilst we then wrap presents. blow up balloons and lay some banners out for the birthday boy ready for the morning, it'll be tiring but worth it to make his birthday extra special :bday: as soon as presents are open and candles are blown out we shall be heading to magic kingdom for the birthday boys breakfast at crystal palace :teeth: am hoping it'll be an exciting start to what should be an amazing holiday! our fast passes that day are:

Its a small world
peter pans flight
meet mickey

Thought id start off with the more child friendly rides especially for the fact its Harrisons birthday so it's all about him.

later that day we will collect our car (which we have for just 3 days) and a trip to walmart for essentials and let Harrison pick somewhere for dinner (probably end up in good old maccy d's down idrive) aside from that its going with the flow, and seeing how the kids are jet lag wise, if they are ok we may attempt going to see the fireworks at magic kingdom, but we shall see where the day takes us.

The rest of the holiday goes as follows
Dining wise we have booked:

Crystal palace - breakfast
Boathouse - dinner
Tusker house - Breakfast
via napoli - lunch
Hollywood and Vine - Dinner
Rainforest Cafe - Dinner
Coral Reef - Lunch
Mickeys Backyard BBQ - dinner
Rose and crown - dinner
Narcossess - dinner
1900 park fare - breakfast

we also have quick service lunch at Be our guest :D

fast passes we got all we wanted including two Flights of passage ones and 2 slinky dog ones :D was very happy that we got everything we wanted though!!

The day my brother arrives we will be at animal kingdom in the morning, but plan to head to magic kingdom to meet him there, desperately hopeful that we can catch a photographer to capture the moment he meets his new baby nephew for the very first time, and the moment that Toby realizes his uncle Paul Paul has come to enjoy the magic with us!! omg i get tearful just imagining that moment, think i will be a blubbering mess on the day!


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