My 50th Birthday Solo Trip Blow-Out (Sept 2-13, 2017)

I agree that WDW can be just overwhelming to new or an infrequent vistor. Last year we returned after a 7 year hiatus and were blown away at the additions and other new developments. I believe this has much to do with the transportation system being overtaxed which leads to too many hours just waiting for the next bus. At the end of a long day, I too would pay just to avoid the lines to depart EPCOT.
Looking back, in some cases I wish I had taken Uber, particularly that first day. I just didn't know enough yet and was learning the ropes. I think part of me was also reluctant to spend the extra money, particularly when the Disney transport wasn't crowded--just inconvenient. Next time, I will probably use Uber if I'm jumping resorts.

I totally hear you! There are lots of trips where, in retrospect, I'm like, "Gee, I should have spent on that to make things easier!" but other trips, where it's the opposite, and I feel like I wasted money on things that weren't needed!
I stumbled onto this trip report while planning our trip next February. I've read so many trip reports now and, well.....

This one was amazing!! I found myself glued to your posts. The magic moments, the insightful thoughts about your experiences, the anecdotes. You truly have a gift with words.

I don't even know you, and I'm sitting here so happy for you that you made this experience your own and loved it. You seem like a lovely person, and I truly hope you are able to travel back to WDW someday soon!

Oh, and please let your scrooge of a boss know that there's now a whole internet forum's worth of folks that would like to give him a piece of our minds. What an idiot.

Take care, and thank you for this journey!
I agree that WDW can be just overwhelming to new or an infrequent vistor. Last year we returned after a 7 year hiatus and were blown away at the additions and other new developments. I believe this has much to do with the transportation system being overtaxed which leads to too many hours just waiting for the next bus. At the end of a long day, I too would pay just to avoid the lines to depart EPCOT.
I'm sure it was a combination of when I went and which resort I stayed at and me being a bit anal about getting in line early, but I never had trouble with the bus system. I always got on the first one that arrived, and aside from my first night (it was raining so the boats to Disney Springs were down), I always got a seat. But I can see how it would easily be overtaxed at the big resorts or during busier times. I deliberately picked a miserable time of the year in order to avoid the crowds--I hate humidity, but I hate crowds even more. ;)
I stumbled onto this trip report while planning our trip next February. I've read so many trip reports now and, well.....

This one was amazing!! I found myself glued to your posts. The magic moments, the insightful thoughts about your experiences, the anecdotes. You truly have a gift with words.

I don't even know you, and I'm sitting here so happy for you that you made this experience your own and loved it. You seem like a lovely person, and I truly hope you are able to travel back to WDW someday soon!

Oh, and please let your scrooge of a boss know that there's now a whole internet forum's worth of folks that would like to give him a piece of our minds. What an idiot.

Take care, and thank you for this journey!
Thank you for the kind words. I'm so glad folks are enjoying reading this as much as I did writing it. I've been writing Star Wars fanfiction most of my life, so I'm used to telling vivid stories--I think that was part of why my friends encouraged me to do it. I also was pretty motivated to document everything so I could reread at my leisure when ever I need a mood boost. I actually read over it all last week and it made me smile (despite all the typos!).

On a side note, after another incident at work regarding my request for future PTO, I submitted an HR complaint about that boss--his text about the hurricane was entered in as evidence. Within the month he transferred to a different position (coincidence?). Wishes do come true! :smickey:
On a side note, after another incident at work regarding my request for future PTO, I submitted an HR complaint about that boss--his text about the hurricane was entered in as evidence. Within the month he transferred to a different position (coincidence?). Wishes do come true! :smickey:

Holy Cow! Now THAT'S a magical moment!!!!! LOL!
Just wanted to chime in - this was such a fabulous trip report! I loved following along on your adventure & I can only imagine how much fun you'd be to hang out with! Also, I am soooo glad that things worked out with that despicable boss...
So now, when are you going to return? We would love a follow up report, now that you are more street savy on how to get where!
Thank you so much for your time and attention to detail. I am doing my first solo trip for my significant birthday in October. You helped to whet my appetite!
After having all this time to reflect, it just occurred to me why I've never received any of the (what sounds like) usual communications from Disney since my trip--no requests for feedback, no follow-up messages regarding my experience during the storm, no special offers for future trips, etc. It's because the agent I used to plan the trip used her own email, not mine. I was not only in the dark leading up to my trip, but I'm still in the dark. I wonder now if I'd get any of the "welcome back" perks I've heard about, too. :eeyore:

I guess we'll have to see if/when I will go back. I've been thinking a lot about it recently. It definitely feels a bit like an addiction (if you're reading this, you probably know exactly what I mean!) and it keeps calling to me, despite other real-life priorities right now (home renovations, elderly parent, etc.). Some days I still wake up with that feeling of "What are my park plans for the day?" before reality reasserts itself.

I'd originally hoped to return in Sept of 2019, but I'm forcing myself to be realistic about how long it will take me to save up that kind of money. After watching my vacation savings disappear so suddenly last time (the unplanned trip home for my uncle's death) and what a struggle it's been to pay off everything I had to borrow as a result, it's been a real leveling experience. It might could still happen: I do know I want to go the same time of year (despite the brutal heat, I prefer it over big crowds), so I have a year to make up my mind before I'd need to book reservations. But like the first time, I've learned that unless I set a date and commit, it probably won't happen. So I'm tentatively shooting for Labor Day of 2020. If I can feasibly do it sooner, I will, but I believe this is a more realistic goal. I don't want to compromise on the resort--I loved staying at PO:FQ, and would even love to squeeze in a Bucket List day/night at the Polynesian (on a rest day so I can really enjoy all of it). I also want to again include a few signature restaurants, and all the frozen adult drinks. :drinking1 If I want to do it "my way," then I'll need at least as much as what I spent last time (and probably more). It sucks managing all this on a single income, let me tell you! :earboy2:

What tricks and tips do you use to save up?
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I just reread your trio repost - just as good as the first read. It got me more excited for my trip in October, if that is possible.
I am doing a less expensive trip then the ones with my mom & daughter. I chose POP so I can afford 2 night savanna view at AKL. I don’t think I would every get back if I did everything I wanted to do. I do have ADRs for V&A, tiffin, CG, and Boma. But no photos, no character meals - sad I am not going to 1900 because I loved their food, and planning on buying nothing unless it is really special. But it is all ok because I get to do what I want - no characters, tea cups, no 8 million photos! What I don’t have to do is almost as exciting as what I am doing!

Thanks for the suggestions in your report on what to pack etc.
Thank you for the great trip report! It was probably the best I've ever read. :) (And don't let my low post count fool you...I used to have another log-in name, but I forgot it when I tried to start reading again recently, and since I have a new email address, I couldn't get my info, so I had to start over. But I've read a lot of trip reports is what I'm getting at here. :D )
I just read your trip report and really enjoyed it. I have a solo trip in August and have been reading reports of solo trips in my spare time.

I thought I'd share a tip for how I save for my trips. I get paid weekly, so each payday I go to the ATM and withdraw cash and put it in a box in my room. It's anywhere from $20-$60 each time. Whatever I can afford that week. But it stays in a box untouched. It adds up rather quickly. I've suggested it to other friends and they have found it helpful and easy to manage. Then, once I've paid for the trip on my credit card, I deposit the money and pay off the credit card. It has worked well for me for the past couple of years. And not just for Disney trips.
This is such a great trip report! Thank you for sharing!

One thing to consider for your next trip is taking a midday break. I don’t think I could handle Disney without it. It combines getting the benefits of rope drop and lower crowds, and seeing as many evening shows or enjoying the evening rides, without having to be on your feet all day. We would usually swim or even just nap. Most important just not being on our feet - I totally remember the throbbing!

I think you will enjoy planning your next one on your own instead of having someone do it for you and not know what is going to happen! Oh and your enjoyment of the adult beverages is totally how our next trip (my 40th extravaganza, mostly to Universal) is being planned

Also, THRILLED your boss was transferred!!
I just found your trip report and read it. I really enjoyed following along on your trip. I too am looking at a possible solo trip and it was interesting to read about your experience. I have stayed at POFQ and it is my favorite moderate resort. Unfortunately due to budget I have had to stay at Value resorts for the last few trips. But I say better to stay at the Values then not go at all right?

Regarding your job, too bad you had the extra stress of your boss. In the past I have had difficult bosses and I always believe that if you are patient the bad apples will be gone and you will still be there.

I hope you will be able to travel to Disney soon.

Thanks again!
Loved your trip report! Very good attitude to have on a Disney trip.. As an aside note, I think your boss is very mean... Think he needs a trip to Disney to help in his attitude!!! :goodvibes
Gosh I so enjoyed re-reading this today whilst making my own plans. I hope one day I get to go or do a few days solo because I feel like the pace of doing things alone means the trip can be more personal and satisfactory. Especially from an emotional perspective!! I have some things Id love to do I don't impose on my family as there would be like, 'why?' when it may be silly but it means I re-trace my personal footsteps.
I just found your TR. I am looking forward to reading about your adventure. I just finished reading your PTR and am so glad that you did not put aside this so well deserved vacation and birthday celebration. I just had to smile at your family photo. No wonder your father looks so authentic in his photo - he definitely fit the time period with his very own mustache!


We are close in age. I am about three years older than you. I went to WDW once as a kid and have been four times as an adult. I would love to go back but am not sure when it will be possible. So, like so many others I come to the DIS and enjoy reading other people's TRs.

I have always thought it would be nice to go on a solo trip so that I could stop and really take my time checking out some of the smaller details that Disney does so well. Perhaps someday.
Great report. Thank you for sharing. It was so interesting, especially the way the hurricane was handled.


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