My 4th running life !! (Comments Welcome)


Jun 9, 2010
So having just turned 50 this year I have spent some time reflecting, partially influenced by lockdown.

In my first running life which began on December 26th 2003. I gave up a 20 a day cigarette habit which I had for the previous 24 years (yes I started at 10 years old !!!)

I decided I need a public goal that I could not complete if I started smoking again..... my wife and I were huge Disney fans and whilst the idea of a January vacation was not that appealing to Mrs Col I signed up and started training ..... kind of.

It began a cycle of being over ambitious and over optimistic and trying to beat every run on the next one.

A serious issue with ITB nearly sidelined me completely but I toed the line, ran all out for first 3 miles then hobbled for the next 23 ๐Ÿ™„ just shy of 7 hours.

My weight was around 14 stone having shot up due to eating to replace smoking and the extra exercise making me more hungry ๐Ÿ˜‹

Still I was motivated to do better and lost around 40lbs and did a number of local events although training approach was still the same and went back to WDW for the half in 2005.

The weight loss had helped me to improve to around 8 minute miles for the 5k and 10k so I arrived with some expectations of a good sub 2 finish, however I arrived 2 weeks before the race did no running in that time lots of eating and the humidity on the morning of the race was brutal..... I kept my goal pace for around 6 miles then had to take the decision to either keep hanging on and DNF or slow down and finish...... I finished but was not very happy and so began a 3 year hiatus from running !!

I did during 2003 - 2006 join one of the Team Penguin Boards (Team Penguin Disney) and whilst it kind of faded away around 2006 with not many people posting anymore I did find it really motivating. I came across a photo from a meet up from that first Marathon of 6 of us in the cold (it was freezing that year) and I am still in touch with most of those guys today ๐Ÿ˜€. A diverse group as well from a 1.37 half marathoner to me !! 6.58 for
the full ๐Ÿ˜‚

Reflecting on that photo and remembering the motivation of that group I began searching for a Disney running community and have ended up here.

I feel on this latest incarnation of my running journey it would be nice to have somewhere to record what I have been doing and see what other have been achieving, hence this post.

I returned to running in 2008 when I ended up working with some one who was a runner, we would only meet up once a month at a monthly meeting but would run at lunch time, we were both trying to regain our running form however my training partner was a former 2.37 marathoner so despite being 20 years my senior was always the better runner, we would run for an hour then sprint for the finish, I never did win one. Job moves meant that did not last but I did get back to a 48 minute 10k but fell away again.

For the next 6 or 7 years I rarely ran for anything other than weight management.

But in 2016 a move from the U.K. to California beckoned for a 2 year work contract, we moved out and knowing it was a fixed term we wanted to make the most of it so we became AP holders at Disneyland and I did the Disneyland Half, The Avengers Half and A Star Wars one. Also ran the Peace Love half in Sacramento and the American river Parkway Half, oh and the Folsom Firecraker. A few of these were run with my son which was nice. I did not train well for these due to lack of time during the work week and the heat in California but I was fairly content to run them for fun and was very glad i did them.

I save all my medals for my Granddaughter who loves them ( she also thinks I am really good at running ๐Ÿ˜‚)

I returned to the U.K. in Early 2019 and have did couple of Parkruns and one half marathon (Had to drop back from the full) mainly running for weight management other than that half marathon.

I am now about to enter a 4th running phase, following another injury following a run I sustained just before lockdown so I had chosen to walk only for last 8 weeks to try and rehab properly.

I have built up to 3 miles again but am using a 2 minutes run 30 seconds walk plan and will run 3 miles every other day. Once I can cover 3 miles at under 10 mm pace I will start increasing one of my runs by 0.5 miles per week for my long run.

I have over the years had a pattern of Signing up for a race to motivate myself , under training then getting injured, taking a small breakthrough and trying to take it too far too soon or the worst of all comparing myself to others and trying to keep up.

Now with no races on the horizon I will build up slowly and hopefully build something sustainable. I want to get fit and I feel I have a lot of good running in me yet, not getting out for 8 weeks made me realise what a gift it is to be able to do it.

I am currently trying to lose some weight as at 5โ€ 7 and 196lbs I am significantly overweight so anything I can lose is free speed right?

I will post up some Goals and previous races and such later on, just finished a nightshift so off to be.

Thanks if you have read along until the end ๐Ÿ‘
Running Goals

Beer Mile
Run age in miles (54)
Ultra (Belt Buckle race)
Run up a mountain โ›ฐ
Boston Qualify
Kilt race
Boston park run
Park run t shirt. (100 runs)
Running blog
Santa dash
Join a running club
Sub 25 5k
Sub 2 half
Run Victoria Dock Parkrun (Fastest)
Run Bushy Park (Original)
Run Inverness (Beat JD)
1000 miles in a year
100 miles in a month
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Current Running Goals

Beer Mile
Run age in miles (50)
Ultra (Belt Buckle race)
Run up a mountain โ›ฐ
Boston Qualify
Kilt race
Boston park run
Park run t shirt. (100 runs)
Running blog
Santa dash
Join a running club
Sub 25 5k
Sub 2 half
Run Victoria Dock Parkrun (Fastest)
Run Bushy Park (Original)
Run Inverness (Beat JD)
1000 miles in 2020
100 miles in July
Thanks if you have read along until the end ๐Ÿ‘
Running Goals

Beer Mile
Run age in miles (50)

Welcome. That is the best list of running goals I've ever seen.
Welcome. That is the best list of running goals I've ever seen.
Hey thanks for the welcome oldgoofyguy I wrote those goals in November last year, itโ€™s a mixture of fun things to experience and a few time related goals, I hope to achieve them all over time but wanted to make sure whilst the time goals may of may not be achievable there are many there such as 1000 miles for the year, run my age in miles or running a kilt race or beer me should be doable ๐Ÿ˜€. Will up date them later in regards to progress .... thanks again ๐Ÿ‘
Next weeks plan

So I have been dealing with some injury issues over the last few months.

I had spend the 8 weeks or so of lockdown only walking and Elliptical training and last week had worked back up to 3 miles running with no pain. Unfortunately on Thursday I was doing some lifting in the garden and reinjured it. It is feeling somewhat better today and I could probably head out but to be extra sure I will not risk it. I am working a 12 hr shift tomorrow so will begin my training week on Tuesday.

I am adopting the following initial strategy. Using Gallsoway I will be run/walking a 2.30/30sec split. 3 miles every other day. Once my mile time is under 10 mm I will add half a mile a week to one of the runs to build up a long run then take it from there just gradually building mileage and stamina.

Hopefully by the time the park runs reopen I will be in reasonable shape to do them.

So next week will be

Tues - 3

Thursday - 3

Sat - 3

Total 9 miles


So my 4 running lifeโ€™s in pictures ๐Ÿ˜€ & technology


Circa 2006 ish this was when I was first running and had seen folks with these at Disney, amazing at the time, got mine in Toronto when on holiday, I did a 25 mile taxi ride and was still cheaper than buying in the U.K.


Circa 2008/9 back in shape and the Forerunner was a bit brick like, used this for a while much more comfortable


Arguably even less attractive than the forerunner but..... could do everything
Track runs, steps, sleep, heart rate, calories really amazing kit but would not fit properly under shirt sleeves etc


Finally current ..... does every thing the surge did but also waterproof and track swims etc...... used to wear as my main watch but generally just wear for runs and elliptical now.

They all still work perfectly and in terms of running they all would do the job...... when I first got the Forerunner I was amazed at the virtual pacer features thought I was like rocket ๐Ÿš€ science ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Week 1


Tuesday 3.01 miles 11.26 mile pace total 34 m 30 sec

Thursday 3.00 miles 10.22 miles pace 31 m 9 sec

Sunday 3.00 miles 10.22 miles pace 31 m 9 sec


3 out of 3 runs completed. Injuries not flaring up.

Things to work on

Mentally on the last run of the week fell back in to old habits. My key to running longer is to be able to run under 10mm comfortably on my runs. After doing 10.22 on Thursday on a steady effort I noticed that the walk portions were about 14 mm so figured I could focus on improving the walk portions to improve on this.

However on todayโ€™s run I shot off way to fast on the run portions and whilst I was under 10mm at the half way point predictably faded massively and irony of irony ended up with exactly the same result as on Thursday with massively more perceived effort, on a positive note I managed to maintain the walk portions at 10.30 a mile pace.

It is this type of thinking of trying to rush progress that led to injury and disappointment previously so I must be on my guard against this.

Overall Grade A-

Weight Management

Overall weight loss this week 1lb lost

Not the best week, good start to the week but poor finish.... I was working earlier in the week and find it easier to stick to good habits as once in work the only other options are the vending machines, these require a preloaded card and i purposely have never got a card, itโ€™s when I am at home it is more difficult and this was reflected in the week.

Positive - A loss is a loss so pleased about that.

Negative need to work on consistency

Overall Grade B -

Other stuff.

Managing around 12000 plus steps a day not including my runs so that is good.

Posted in my training log ๐Ÿ‘ and my motivation is solid just now.

So pretty pleased with the first week, key is to steadily build miles and a solid base whilst steadily dropping weight. Consistency will be the key for me and it is where I have struggled in the past hence the reason for this training log.

Next week will be

Mon - 3 miles

Wed - 3 miles

Fri - 3 miles

Sun - 3 miles

Due to working 4 12 hour shifts Thursday to Sunday Will be running after work on 2 of the days the latest likely 9.30pm not so big an issue though as only 30 - 35 mins long.

4 work days should help my food intake though ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Hope everyoneโ€™s training is going well and all staying safe ๐Ÿ‘

Going through some boxes and came across this, my only remaining momento from my Disney Marathon with the exception of the medal , the race programmes being long gone, the shirt I only got rid of about 6 months ago. Will keep a hold of this though, I still have the box , needs a battery, it is tiny though like a childโ€™s sized watch......... I wore it a lot for a while...... if I get back to the Marathon weekend I will get it going and wear it again ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Hey hope everyoneโ€™s running and life in general is going well.

Just reading about the DLP half being cancelled, a real shame but understandable, I was holding out a small, 5% hope of doing it if it was on but there we go.

I decided to dig out my medals from 2004/05/06 and hang them up beside my more recent ones to keep me motivated whilst on the elliptical in the garage.

Itโ€™s not all the events I have done but I didnโ€™t keep medals from less than the half distance and my grand daughter has had at least a couple (she likes shiny things) and no doubt once she is allowed to visit after lockdown is lifted I might lose a few more ๐Ÿ˜‚


Stay safe

When you are feeling completely healthy, you may want to try a Galloway "magic mile". As you are following Galloway it will give you a good indication at the pace you should be training at. There are a lot of run/walk/run runners on these Boards (including me), many following Galloway and many using custom @DopeyBadger plans.

Good luck with training and keep posting!
Thanks @Kerry1957 I will look into that as I am really should put a little more science behind it I currently just run at whatever pace so some focus would most likely help.

I am pleased that the run walking is helping me train without pain ๐Ÿ˜€ thanks for your support ๐Ÿ‘

Stay safe
Week 2

A little bit late with this weeks update.

A busy day yesterday with work being done to replace a water tank that was leaking and painting a large room in preparation for carpets being laid today so did not manage to find time until today.


Monday 3 miles 11.16 pace

Nice gentle start to the week, had run on the previous day so took it easy.

Wednesday 3 miles 10.56 pace

Steady run feels good to be getting into a regular groove again.

Friday 3.07 miles 11.02 pace

Run after work, this was first real test of my resolve, days three of back to back 12 hours shifts and a hours commute home, quite tired and itโ€™s raining had a moment of internal struggle then headed out the door.

Sunday 3.00 10.48
Similar to the previous day this was last of 4 12 hours shifts and the 0445 starts had left me quite tired and a last minute sprint for the train and half hour walk from station to house had my mind trying to talk me into skipping it, however after some poor weather it was a warm sunny evening which helped me get back out the door โ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

Pleased with how the week went particularly getting out the door when in the past I have given in and skipped runs, I am best when I can get into a set pattern and routine and when I disrupt that pattern it generally falls apart so this is quite key for me.

Have a touch of shin splints in my left leg which started last week so taking it very easy on my runs , I normally suffer this whenever I ramp up it generally passes so I am keeping it on monitor.

Weigh management.

Weighed in on Sunday afternoon as I forgot to do so in the morning. 186 lbs so 2lb loss. Happy with that, my diet has been better than the previous week so pleased to get the result.

Overall a decent week.

Stay safe

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Hi all

Hope everyone is doing well.

Week 3


3 runs planned this week and 3 completed.

Tuesday 3.02 miles @ 10.52 pace

Evening Run Shin splints much improved.

Thursday 3.01 miles @ 11.37 pace

Nice easy run due to a heavy day in the garden the previous day. I timed this using Strava on my phone as my fit bit IONIC was out of charge and i did not want to wait. I noticed the Strava recorded my running as quite a bit slower that Fit Bit seemed to for same perceived effort but it recorded my walking segments quite a bit faster, i guess it all evens out and there is no real way to know which is more accurate, just like Scales i guess, i have an analogue and digital and used to use the analogue as they weighed around 5 lbs lighter, i now use the heavier digital scales as i perceive them to be more accurate, i guess the key is pick one and stick with it.

Also am i the only one who gets on the scales but refuses to take the first number as truth and get on and off a few time s"just in case" ?

Saturday 3.04 miles @ 10.50 pace.

Again the theme of wanting to bail on a run but able to overcome continues. Working 12 hour nights, when i woke up at 14.30 hrs i immediately thought no i am not going , too tired etc however as i had still another 2 nights to do it would be no better the following day so i just got up and got dressed in my running gear and that was that. Quick coffee then out the door, i am getting better at pushing through when previously i would have given up.......... i certainly think this journal plays a large part in it.

One thing i only realised whilst writing this was Shin Splints were completely absent on today's run :yay:

The run whilst 10.50 felt a much harder effort, this is consistent with running straight after i get up in the morning so to be expected. Quite warm here again.

Overall pretty satisfied. i give myself a solid B

Weight Management

At the moment still on 186 so nothing lost but Monday to Wednesday were not stellar efforts regards diet Thursday to Sat better but just about balances out i guess. I am writing this having weighed in this morning which is a day early i try to stick to Sunday morning so will do that later (its 0259 am as i write this) and update if it changes. I really would like to get rid of some more weight and get the free speed that comes along with it !!!

Must try harder (As my school teachers used to write on my report card) :-) i give myself a C for this.


Did quite a bit of walking and work in the garden in the first half of the week so pretty active. 4 run's week next week, we are expecting a heatwave here so will try to get my runs in before the heat of the day.

Also need to pick up some new running shoes soon, i think i will get another NB 680's but also may pick up a trail pair as i have found many new off road routes whilst out walking. Currently it take about a mile to get there from my house so they are more for when i start taking longer runs but would like to be ready for it.

I stay quite near the open countryside so may take my phone on the longer runs and share some views with you guys.

Stay Safe

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