"It's up to you how far you'll go. If you don't try, you'll never know." Comments Welcome


DIS Veteran
Jan 27, 2009
So I have finally decided to jump on the training journal bandwagon. I need to add another step of accountability for the year so why not. First things first though. My name is Sarah and am a happily divorced mom of 2 boys from Colorado.

I first started running in January of 2017. A coworker and I decided to get ours butts in gear and came up with a few fitness challenges for the year with a little weight loss mixed in. The first goal was to run a 5k. I did a couch25k program and we ran a St. Patrick's Day 5k with free beer at the end. I wasn't sure where I wanted to go from there until my brother found out I started running and convinced me to run in the marathon weekend with him. So before I knew it I was signed up for the half marathon. Then after looking at pictures and such I wanted more so then I was signed up for the 5k and 10k, my Happy challenge. I did a 10k in May to get a proof of time and also completed fitness challenge number 2. The Manitou Springs Incline. My coworker bailed on me due to a back injury so my dad filled in. Hindsight, it was probably not smart to bring him but we did it. This trail is only a mile long but gains 2000 feet in elevation and is super tough. While on the trail I ran into a different coworker and friend so we all helped each other make it to the top. While doing the Incline it brought me back to my hiking days so I added another challenge in the summer by hiking a 14er, a mountain with an elevation over 14,000. After I did that I was talking with the coworker I dd the Incline with and found out she did the same mountain the day before me. I'm now trying to get her to do a 5k with me. Then it was onto Disney, I had so much fun in Disney that I wanted to keep going, which brings me to my year full of challenges.

As soon as I got back from Disney it was off to the graveyard shift for the whole year. I was last on graves 5 years ago and that was when I really let myself go. I gained weight and lost any bit of exercise and activity I had going. It didn't help that this time frame was also my divorce but graves was the start to a unhealthy lifestyle for me. I knew going into this year I needed a lot of goals, motivation and positive thinking to survive. I have a tentative goal for a marathon and possibly, dare I say, ??Dopey?? But first I would need a proof of time so I have my eyes set on a 10 miler in May. And thanks to @DopeyBadger I have myself a training plan to help me get there!! I'm only a little over a month into the year and I can already see the struggles beginning, ugh. The first is sleep. I told myself I didn't want to completely flip my schedule on my weekend but so far, I have done it every weekend. Too many things get scheduled for mornings and days that I can't help but flip my sleep times. The result is I haven't been able to sleep more than 3-4 hours at a time at can't go back to sleep so then after a few hours awake I need a nap. I finally broke down this weekend and took some tylenol pm. I slept for 10 hours, oops it was the best sleep I've had in more than a month though but maybe next time only 1 instead of 2. The other struggle is food. What better way to help stay awake in the middle of the night when you hit your wall then to snack, trying to eat healthy snacks but it's hard when there are always donuts, cookies and cupcakes calling your name. Also, by flipping my schedule my body wants to stay on graves so even if I'm sleeping at night I wake up at 3 am because I'm hungry and that's when I eat my dinner. Doesn't matter if I eat before bed I can never go back to bed until I eat something. So, being only a month in, I can already see myself slipping in a few ways so I wanted to add another step of accountability to keep me on the right path. So here goes to a year of challenges and hopefully a year of successes!

Here are a few of my successes from 2017. One of my goals for this year is to add to these!!

Not a great picture but this is at the top of the Incline looking down.

Mt. Bierstadt, elevation 14,065 ft.

Half Marathon!
We'll see if I can get this update done before the Dis goes into Siesta mode. So last week I admit I skipped a run, a 5 mile run at that. But, I had crammed so much into my weekend and had so little sleep I ended up sick. This week was a huge challenge for me. Once a month I have a training day for work. Normally it's not bad, it breaks up the work week and is always a nice change of pace to the normal work day. Problem is, training is during the day, more of swing shift kind of hours. This means I work all night Tuesday and by the time I get home and wind down and get to bed, I'm lucky to get 4, maybe 5 hours sleep before I have to be back. And to boot, this months training was an all classroom, death by powerpoint kind of day. I did ok until coming back from dinner than all I wanted to do was nap. Training days are not going to be tough this year, they throw my schedule off way too much. If there is a positive though, the rest of the trainings should have at least a little activity or outdoors in them so it shouldn't be quite so tiring. And thanks to my DB plan we scheduled easier run weeks for my training weeks.

-Planned 3 miles: 30/30 run walk intervals, 14:05 run/16:40 walk, total time 45:48
-Completed on Tuesday due to not feeling well Monday
-Actual splits 1-14:54, 2-15:19, 3-15:40, total 45:54
Still getting used to the slower pace but I'm getting pretty close.

-Planned 3 miles: mile 1 30/30 14:05/16:40, mile 2 80/30 11:40/16:40, mile 3 30/30 14:05/16:40, total time 43:14
-Didn't happen on Wednesday, too little sleep, not enough time, training day, ran Thursday instead
-Actual splits 1-14:58, 2-12:39, 3-14:50, total 42:29
This was my first run adding in the 11:40/16:40 interval so I need to narrow down how it feels but it was fun to add a little speed.

-Planned 3 miles: 30/30 run walk intervals, 14:05/16:40, total time 45:48
-Actual splits 1-14:51, 2-15:48, 3-15:43, total 46:27
Started a bit too fast, slowed down, ended up slowing down too much

-Planned 4 miles: 30/30, 14:05/16:40, total time 1:01:04
-Actual splits 1-15:10, 2-14:57, 3-15:33, 4-15:24, total 1:00:59
Pretty much right on track, woohoo

Rest, back to work

Didn't make it before the Siesta, oh well, I'll try to post before I go to bed.

This week wasn't too bad, just tweaking how each of the different speeds feel. One big thing I need to work on this upcoming week is hydration. Since going on graves I haven't been drinking as much as I should. Last year I was drinking 3-4 32oz water bottles a day, so far this year I have been struggling to drink 2. I think it's because my sleep routine is so off but is definitely the main focus for this week. Saturday was pretty warm out, almost 60 when I started and I could really feel it. The weather will play a role in this weeks run too but in the opposite direction. Snow is in the forecast for Tuesday and it's supposed to be pretty cold all week. Runs are planned for Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday but back to a normal work week.
Joining in! I definitely can relate to the life of grave shifts. I worked 9:00pm to 6:00am at Target for just over a year. Although, I never had to do it while running as this was many years ago. It's incredible that you're juggling your life schedule with a grave shift lifestyle. Keep up the great work and I know you can do it. Sounds like you're off to a great start with the pacing.
Welcome! Excited to follow along! Major props to you for getting it done while working those shifts and raising two kiddos!
Joining in! I definitely can relate to the life of grave shifts. I worked 9:00pm to 6:00am at Target for just over a year. Although, I never had to do it while running as this was many years ago. It's incredible that you're juggling your life schedule with a grave shift lifestyle. Keep up the great work and I know you can do it. Sounds like you're off to a great start with the pacing.

Thanks again for your training plan!! I knew going into the year I would need a goal and a plan, without these the temptation to quit will get pretty strong the further into the year we get.

Welcome! Excited to follow along! Major props to you for getting it done while working those shifts and raising two kiddos!

Thanks!! It's going to be a tough year, I'll probably need a boost in a few months but I'm hoping with this journal I now have enough in place to keep it up.

So, today's update:
Looking at the forecast I thought about doing a run yesterday but Sundays are busy and it's my Monday and it looked like it wouldn't start snowing until this evening and I was hesitant to run 4 days in a row. I went to work at 7 last night, it was 60 out. By 1 it was freezing rain out and in the upper 20's. By 2:30 it was 19 and snowing and by the time I left at 5 it was 14 out and the snow was sticking to the ground and roads. With the freezing rain and ayer of ice under the snow I decided to postpone my run. Hopefully tomorrow is better but it looks like a whole lot of cold all week. As far as sleep, Saturday night/Sunday morning sleep, it was back to waking up after one 4 hours and took another hour to get back to sleep. This morning I was tired but as soon as I got into bed I was instantly wide awake. It took awhile to finally fall asleep. Overall I sleep better though, I woke up when the plow went by, I woke up when I heard shoveling outside but I didn't wake up, wide awake, at the 4 hour mark so that's an improvement.
So this week was not a good week. Work stunk, running stunk(or lack of), the weather stunk. Work was horrible, crazy, and busy. Glad it was over, not looking forward to going back tonight. As for the weather, Sunday night I went to work, it was 60. By the time I left it was 14, freezing rain then snow. And then it continued to snow all day Monday and into the wee hours of the morning. Then it just stayed cold all week, snowed a little more Thursday and a little more Friday. It rarely stays this cold for so long. It'll get cold and snow but usually within a day or two, it's back into the 40's and 50's and the sun comes out. Saturday it finally got above freezing and hopefully tomorrow will get above 40. So that brings me to running. I skipped Monday and and Tuesday due to the snow. Wednesday, good news was I finally slept more than 4 hours, bad news I slept through my run. Lesson learned I need to make sure I set my alarm on run days, I hadn't needed to do it because I wasn't sleeping much, now I know. So Thursday I did Monday's run, skipped Wednesday's run and Friday and Saturday did my regularly scheduled runs. Once I got to my weekend things went better and I was able to sort of get back on track but the week as a whole was just off.

Monday 4.5 miles: 3 miles at 30/30 intervals, 14:05 run/16:40 walk, 1 mile at 105/30, 11:20/16:40, .5 mile at 30/30, 14:05/16:40, total time 1:06:08
Wednesday 3 miles: 30/30 intervals, 14:05/16:40, total time 45:48
Friday 6 miles: 30/30 intervals, 14:05/16:40, total time 1:31:36
Saturday 6 miles: 2 miles at 30/30, 14:05/16:40, 2 miles at 80/30, 11:40/16:40, 2 miles at 30/30, 14:05/16:40, total time 1:26:29

Thursday 4.5 miles: Splits 15:16, 15:20, 15:11, 12:09, 14:58 total time 1:05:45
Friday 6 miles: Splits 14:58, 15:21, 15:31, 15:12, 15:18, 15:15 total time 1:31:22
Saturday 6 miles: Splits 14:59, 14:56, 12:51, 12:57, 15:03, 15:05 total time 1:25:40

Goals for the upcoming week are to get all my runs in and to hydrate more, still struggling on drinking enough. Sleep has been better this week but still not getting enough.

Edited to add a picture I took on Thursday's run. I came upon him as he was eating his dinner. He was within a couple feet of me but by the time I could get my phone out he tried unsuccessfully to carry off his meal and he was further away. This is the unedited photo, I can't get the better one to load. I *think* this is a red tailed hawk but not 100% sure

Last edited:
This was a much better week! The weather was fantastic, such a difference from last week, 50's and 60's all week. My main struggle this week was with my pacing, especially just starting out. For the most part I was able to get back on track towards the end though. Some days this week were not too bad drinking enough. My goal is 3 32 oz bottles. I consistently can get in 64 oz but most days I have a hard time getting to that last refill. I can definitely feel it when I don't drink enough. It's harder on days I work because then I feel like I'm always in the bathroom and it's such a pain at work. Monday's run was uneventful, it was mid 50's out. Wednesday, I did not run because I got stuck working late that morning. By the time I got home, if I were to get my run in I only would have only gotten about 4 hours sleep so I think I made the right decision. I ran Wednesday's run on Thursday, another uneventful run in the evening and then went out with friends after. Friday's run was actually pretty warm out. I ran in the afternoon and kinda wished I would have brought water, it was low 60's and windy. I did an out and back so the first half I had the wind at my back and I was a little fast then the last half was running into the wind which helped slow my pacing down. Saturday I woke up way too early, still can't get into a regular sleep schedule. I tried going back to sleep but that didn't happen so I got up and got my run in, another warm day but not quite as warm as Friday, upper 50's at the start, low 60's at the end. After my run and I got cleaned up I took a short nap, woke up with a stiff back. It didn't bother me earlier so I think it was just because of the nap. After napping I went to my brother and sister in law's house so he could change my oil in my car. They live an hour away and getting out of the car my was even more sore. After that we met up with my other brother and niece and we all went out to dinner. It's restaurant week in Denver. There are quite a few restaurants that participate and they offer a smaller 3 course menu to choose from for cheaper than normal or you can still order from the regular menu. It's a fun way to check out some of the local restaurants that I'm normally too cheap to go to. My brother's picked out a seafood and oyster bar place. My sister in law and I are not huge into seafood but we managed, I went with a salad, filet mignon, and cannoli for dessert. Everything was good except the dessert, it had chocolate on top and it was salted. I'm ok with salted caramel but salted chocolate was just weird. Overall it was fun to get together with family and check out someplace new. As far as my back, after some ibuprofen, I feel much better. I'm hoping this was a one time thing. As the weather warms up I'm probably going to move my runs to the mornings when I get off work instead of the afternoons. This means going to bed shortly after my run so I hope it doesn't bother me too much. I'm looking forward to this week, I have a three day work week, with a four day weekend, not sure if I'll trying going anywhere or just enjoy the extra day off at home yet.

Planned runs
Monday 3 miles: 30/30 run walk intervals, 14:05 run/16:40 walk, total time 45:48
Wednesday 3 miles: mile 1 and 3 30/30 interval, 14:05/16:40, mile 2 80/30 intervals, 11:40/16:40, total time 43:14
Friday 5 miles: 30/30 intervals, 14:05/16:40, total time 1:16:20
Saturday 5 miles: 30/30 intervals, 14:05/16:40, total time 1:16:20

Actual runs
Monday 3 miles: Splits 15:25, 15:31, 15:22 total time 46:17
Thursday 3 miles: Splits 14:30, 13:29, 15:25 total time 43:22
Friday 5 miles: Splits 14:35, 14:46, 15:13, 15:27, 15:24 total time 1:15:14
Saturday 5 miles: Splits 13:44, 15:18, 15:24, 15:01, 15:16 total time 1:14:38

Goals for this week are to get back on track with my pacing, overall I'm not to far off just too fast at the beginning. Also keep working on water consumption and sleep.
I finally have a few minutes for last weeks update, better late than never I guess. Last week was quite the week. That weekend it became clear my mom's aunt's health was declining rapidly and was expected to have only a few days left. She died peacefully in her sleep Sunday night. She was 97 and lived a very full life but she was ready to go, her husband died several years back and she just wanted to go to heaven to be with him again. I knew most of the family would not be able to go out to her funeral and I had a short work week so off to Nebraska I was going so I adjusted my runs. As the week went on there was a lot of family drama and my mom just told me not to come at all so late Tuesday I made the decision to not go. It would have been 8 1/2 hour drive there and back and not a whole lot to do out there so in a way I'm kinda glad for the pass and was able to just enjoy my long weekend. Monday was cold and windy, if not for the upcoming week I might have bumped this run up a day. The weather app showed 37 with a windchill of 25, wind speed around 30 mph, it was brutal. Tuesday's run was much better, a little chilly but no wind which was a nice change. Since I was now not traveling I did Friday's run on Thursday and kept my Saturday run as normal. Saturday's run was super windy too but not quite as bone chilling, temp 43, wind chill 34, wind speed 21mph. A lot more miles this week but I really enjoyed it and it provided a lot of time for reflection and memories.

Planned runs
Monday 4 miles: 30/30 run/walk intervals, 14:05 run/16:40 walk, total time 1:01:04
Wednesday 4 miles: miles 1, 2 and 4 30/30intervals, 14:05/16:40, mile 3 80/30, 11:40/16:40, total time 58:30
Friday 6 miles: 30/30 intervals, 14:05/16:40, total time 1:31:36
Saturday 7 miles: 30/30 intervals, 14:05/16:40, total time 1:46:52 plus nutrition

Actual Runs
Monday 4 miles: Splits 15:27, 14:55, 15:23, 15:33 total time 1:01:15
Tuesday 4 miles: Splits 15:14, 15:23, 12:57, 15:23 total time 58:46
Thursday 6 miles: Splits 14:59, 14:53, 15:25, 15:33, 15:15, 15:29 total time 1:31:31
Saturday 7 miles: Splits 14:46, 15:20, 15:33, 15:35, 15:39, 15:17, 14:39 total time 1:46:48

Overall not too bad overall but most miles I'm either a little fast or a little slow and it averages pretty close. Saturday I was feeling pretty good the whole run and only took a few sport beans in the middle but felt I probably could have gone without. This week is a training week at work which equals less milage and even less sleep.
Great week!


This week was an overall good week. It was a training week which means a quick turn around Tuesday night into Wednesday(off at 5am and back at 2pm) so I'm happy we went with easy runs for these weeks. I don't talk about my job very often, but in telling what I do it might make more sense, these training weeks and crazy hours and such. I work in law enforcement, we are definitely not getting a lot of love in the media especially and the public so it makes me apprehensive to talk about what I do to most people. I wish everyone could see the behind the scenes in what we do and who we are and understand that we're not really all that bad. Anyway, off my soap box, going into training I managed 4 1/2 hours sleep. The first 2 hours was policy and case law, no amount of caffeine can help with that but then we got into the active and moving around stuff after that. Although, after a few hours of bending, twisting, and moving in ways that are just not normal I was getting pretty sore. I also had a migraine coming on which I knew was just a combination of no sleep and not eating much, all the weird moves we were doing. I was so ready to get home and get to bed. It usually takes at least a day to fully recover from the week, the beginning of the week I struggled with sleep as usual so Thursday I just felt like I had zero energy. Getting out running felt good Friday and Saturday but especially Friday I did not have the energy to run much more than I did. Looking forward to adding in more miles next week though.

Planned runs
Monday 3 miles: 30/30 run walk intervals, 14:05 run/16:40 walk, total time 45:48
Wednesday 3 miles: miles 1 and 3 30/30 intervals, 14:05/16:40, mile 2 80/30 intervals, 11:40/16:40 total time 43:14
Friday 3 miles: 30/30 intervals, 14:05/16:40, total time 45:48
Saturday 4 miles: 30/30 intervals, 14:05/16:40, total time 1:01:04

Actual Runs
Monday 3 miles: Splits 15:19, 15:25, 15:32 total time 46:20
Tuesday 3 miles: Splits 15:21, 13:01, 15:30 total time 43:51
Friday 3 miles: Splits 15:17, 15:23, 15:08 total time 45:47
Saturday 4 miles: Splits 15:14, 15:25, 15:21, 15:14 total time 1:01:09

Splits are sill still a little up and down and more on the slow side but not too far off.
This was a tough running week but I did it and I felt good! This was also the first week in awhile I did all my runs on their scheduled days. It snowed Sunday night into Monday so I was going to make a day of decision but by the time I woke up the sun was out and most of the snow on the roads was mostly melted so I went for it. It was a bit chilly but not bad, a tough run but I felt good after. Wednesday I came across a park ranger who was watching the same bird I've seen the last few weeks so I stopped to chat for a few minutes. I learned the bird is indeed a red tail hawk but he is rare in that he has a white tail instead of red. He was told me a bit about about his migration habits which was pretty neat. The bird eventually flew away and we parted ways but I learned quite a bit in those few minutes. There is a nature center I run by or park near but I've never stopped in except to use their bathroom on occasion, I'll have to stop in sometime when I'm not all sweaty from my runs to see and learn more. I also saw a coyote towards the end of the run. I've seen him and another a few times on my drive to the parking areas a few times but I have never seen him while actually running before. Friday was a good run, it started warm and sunny and then within a mile it became super windy I almost cut it short it was so bad but then with 2 miles left it all of a sudden cleared up and was sunny again with very little wind. Saturday was a tough run and it was pretty warm out, mid 60's, direct sun and no wind. I was really feeling the heat around mile 6 and was wishing I had opted to wear shorts instead of capris. I should have woke up earlier for this run but now I know I need to start thinking ahead on the warm days. I also did this one slightly blind, I'm feeling pretty comfortable with how both these paces feel and I was in a groove so I just went with getting my times every mile. Overall I was pretty close to my scheduled times but my splits are a little off, mostly starting out way too fast then slowing down, so some are fast, some are slow but it all averages out I guess.

I don't have as much time today so I'm not going to include all the times and intervals.

Planned runs:
Monday: 2 miles easy, 2 miles 10k pace, 1/2 mile easy, total time 1:03:35
Wednesday: 4 miles was, total time 1:01:04
Friday: 6 miles easy, total time 1:31:36
Saturday: 2 miles easy, 5 miles HM, 2 miles easy, total time 2:04:36

Actual Runs:
Monday: splits 15:33, 15:23, 12:28, 12:08, 15:22, total time 1:03:11
Wednesday: splits 14:44, 15:23, 15:17, 15:27, total time 1:00:45
Friday: splits 14:25, 15:17, 15:23, 15:50 (potty break and forgot to pause right away) 15:29, 15:11, total time 1:31:41
Saturday: splits 15:17, 15:11, 12:51, 12:37, 12:30, 12:45, 12:55, 15:04, 15:15, total time 2:04:17

Edited to add a picture of the coyote from Wednesday’s run.
This week was overall just a bad week. Work was really bad, the weather was a little rough and running wasn't all that bad but was rather blah. Sunday is usually the easiest day of the work week and is usually a nice way to ease into the week. This Sunday was not so snd that usually means the whole week will be off. Monday I woke up and almost skipped the run. As soon as I pulled up into the parking area for the trail I use it started raining, and I realized I put my shirt on inside out. Not sure what it was about both those things but combined I got a gut feeling something was about to go south. The first mile was ok, the second was pouring, the third and fourth was a mix of rain and snow. The second I walked into work crap hit the fan and I knew my gut was right, it was just a horrible day. Tuesday I slept in, sort of, and overall the day was much better. Wednesday was about the same as Monday but I opted not to run, good call, it poured. It's been awhile since we've had a week like that and we all couldn't be happier for the weekend. Thursday I did Wednesday's run and it was about the same as Monday. Started off raining then turned to snow, mile 3 was the worst, big, huge, wet flakes that almost hurt on the face. Friday I really wanted to roll over and go back to sleep but knew I needed to get up and go. I wasn't really feeling it and my paces showed, I was up and down the whole run and couldn't get settled in and was on the fast side overall, on the plus side the weather completely changed and was rather warm. Saturday I woke up a bit early to get my run in and it was warm again. I felt better and my paces were more even but again was too fast. After the run I drove up into Wyoming for dinner at my brother's. The crazy weather continued, it was sunny and 60 during my run and was snowing by the time we crossed into Wyoming only 2 hours away. He smoked a brisket which was really yummy, run the miles so you can eat the food was so true tonight. Looking forward to a new week and a short work week at that, love having a 4 day weekend!!!

Planned runs:
Monday: 4 miles easy, total time 1:01:04
Wednesday: 1 mile easy, 2 miles HM, 1 mile easy, total time 55:57
Friday: 6 miles easy, total time 1:31:36
Saturday: 6 miles easy, total time 1:31:36

Actual runs:
Monday: splits 15:24, 15:40, 14:56, 15:20, total time 1:01:11
Thursday: splits 15:25, 12:59, 12:45, 14:42, total time 55:48
Friday: splits 14:46, 15:15, 15:28, 15:21, 15:20, 14:53, total time 1:30:58
Saturday: splits 15:11, 15:06, 15:02, 15:12, 14:58, 15:12, total time 1:30:33
Yikes, it's been quite awhile since I've been on here. I knew as my schedule got crazier I would I would have to cut a few things. I'm happy to report though I haven't missed a run! I have had to cut back on dis time though. I check in occasionally but usually prime time for getting on is during the nightly siesta when the boards are down so I haven't been on much. So let's get on with the updates. Except for a few notes I took I don't remember all the details though. The first week I missed was the first week of April. This was my short work week so I was looking forward to the long weekend. Unfortunately I was sick most of the weekend. I still managed my runs but I spent most of my time in bed or on the couch. A few of the girls at work and I decided to team up and we started a 30 day exercise challenge. We did one it March, it was just a wall sit challenge but it was good so this month we amped it up and this one is quite intense. We also decided to start doing the stairs. One of the girls wants to do the Manitou Incline so we set a date for September. She's pretty nervous about it so there's a mini incline closer to us so we decided to start there and do it every Friday. I missed the first time but they went twice up it and decided for 3 times this week. it's 200 stairs, almost 200 feet elevation gain. I felt ok on Friday and it was supposed to snow so I woke up at the crack of dawn to get my run in then did the incline. Friday night I got sick again and not to go into too much detail, I emptied my stomach. Once my stomach was empty I felt better but I was super nervous for my Saturday long run. I tested the waters with a bagel and felt fine so I went for it. Took a mile or two to get my groove, I was pretty sore from the stairs and I do remember the last mile was really tough but I think it was mostly due to not having much in my tummy. Other than that I think the week went well.

Planned runs:
Monday: 4 miles easy, total time 1:01:04
Wednesday: 1 mile easy, 2 miles HM, 1 mile easy, total time 55:57
Friday: 6 miles easy, total time 1:31:36
Saturday: 9 miles easy, total time 2:17:24

Actual Runs:
Monday: splits 15:10, 15:09, 15:10, 15:24, total time 1:01:04 how did that happen to get the exact time?
Wednesday: splits 15:36, 13:03, 12:55, 15:26, total time 57:05 too slow, oh well
Friday: splits 15:47, 14:59, 15;27, 15:05, 15:07, 15:10, total time 1:31:40 not consistent but overall right on
Saturday: splits 15:12, 15:31, 15:37, 5:03, 14:57, 15:01, 15:18, 15:23, 15:18, total time 2:17:07

I tried to put in a picture from my sunrise run but apparently all my pictures are too big and I don't know how to fix it. Oh well, I'll try to get another update in soon
Continuing on, the next week was a crazy week, still not sure how I was able to get everything in. Well, no sleep is how I did it. This week was a training week so I did my Wednesday run on Tuesday and was super happy to have the lower mileage this week. It was all outside training and surprisingly it was a nice day, I figured with my luck it would for sure snow. It started to get chilly after the sun went down but it wasn't bad. Went home and got a few hours sleep then it was off to the airport for a last minute trip, oldest kiddo had a school competition in Florida, unfortunately not in Orlando. I took my run stuff and was able to get my Friday and Saturday runs in while he had his thing. Oh what a great feeling it was to run at sea level and to be able to breathe. It was slightly warm and humid but manageable. After his thing was over Saturday late morning he asks if we could do Disney Springs so into the car we went and drove an hour and a half to get there. He apparently had legos and food in mind, the little weasel :-) He wanted to eat at Rainforest Cafe and wanted a new lego set, was fun being able to spend some one on one time with him, loved every minute of it. Caught a Sunday morning flight and then back to work Sunday night.

Planned Runs:
Monday: 3 miles easy, total time 45:48
Wednesday: 1 mile easy, 1 mile HM, 1 mile easy, total time 43:14
Friday: 3 miles easy, total time 45:48
Saturday: 4 miles easy, total time 1:01:04

Actual Runs:
Monday: splits 15:00, 15:25, 15:47, total time 46:30 not sure why so slow
Tuesday: splits 15:25, 13:02, 15:27, total time 43:52
Friday: splits 15:06, 14:46, 15:08, total time 45:05 yeah sea level
Saturday: splits 14:47, 14:42, 14:49, 14:48, total time 58:56 tried to slow down but...sea level
The next week was mostly catching up on sleep from the last week. It was also back to the mini incline. We decided to have a plan in place so every other week we would add another trip up. I missed the last week so this week we did it 4 times. We were feeling pretty ambitious for our 4th round. A group came up and they ran up it:worship::faint: We tried to see how far up we could run, we made it 40 stairs. So much different than regular running. After catching our breath we then ran in 30 stair increments until we had maybe 40 or 50 left then walked the rest. That was a crazy workout. As I drove back into town, I snacked and drank water and parked a different spot along my typical running stop tor my run. This parking are had real bathrooms and was closer driving back into the area. First mile or two was tough, my legs felt so heavy from all the stairs but once I got into my groove I felt much better. Saturday's run was in the snow and rain, and still pretty sore legs. Once I was running though the legs felt better but it sure was miserable.

Planned Runs:
Monday: 1 mile easy, 3 miles 10k, .5 easy, total time 1:01:01
Wednesday: 4 miles easy, total time 1:01:04
Friday: 6 miles easy, total time 1:31:36
Saturday: 2 miles easy, 6 miles HM, 2 miles easy, total time 2:17:18

Actual Runs:
Monday: splits 15:21, 12:04, 11:48, 12:33, 15:09, total time 59:18 yikes, a bit too fast
Wednesday: splits 15:01, 14:35, 14:56, 15:12, total time 59:41 yikes, too fast again
Friday: splits 15:38, 15:29, 15:11, 15:17, 15:12, 15:33, total time 1:32:03 not horribly bad
Saturday: splits 15:28, 15:18, 13:25, 12:59, 12:58, 12:52, 13:02, 13:07, 14:53, 14:59, total time 2:18:46 mostly blind, plus nasty weather
Finally on to this week. I worked OT this week so it threw my days off. I went in a few hours early on Wednesday so no time for running. I intend to run Tuesday instead but when I woke up it was rainy and I was still super tired so I opted to go back to sleep. I did OT again Thursday afternoon but had time after so I ran then, not ideal but did it anyway. Friday morning was also mini Incline day. I really screwed myself for this. Between running the night before and not hydrating like I should have I really felt it on the stairs. This was the first time it truly kicked my butt. We walked the first round then did the running again for the second. This time we made it 50 stairs the first time, then various increments the rest, and all the way up this time, no walking. The next round I was hurting but I eventually made it but had to take a long water break after this one then felt better for the last one. I did my run afterwards again. As much as the first mile hurts I think this feels better in the long run. The first time when I ran first, I napped afterwards so I wasn't on my feet after and I hurt later in the day. I still hurt but not near as bad. I'm staring to struggle on hitting my paces a bit. Not sure if it's because my legs are stronger from all the steps or what but it has been more of an effort, I want to go out too fast.

Planned runs:
Monday: 4 miles easy, total time 1:01:04
Wednesday: .5 easy, 4 miles HM, .5 easy, total time 1:06:05
Friday: 6 miles easy, total time 1:31:36
Saturday: 6 miles easy, total time 1:31:36

Actual Runs:
Monday: splits 15:32, 15:22, 15:14, 15:21, total time 1:01:29 not too bad
Thursday: splits 14:36, 12:47, 12:46, 12:14, 13:52, total time 1:06:42 a touch slow but not too bad
Friday: splits 15:06, 14:59, 14:54, 15:14, 15:01, 15:28, total time 1:30:40 last mile I took an extra walk break because I knew I was too fast
Saturday: splits 15:06, 14:59, 15:10, 15:10, 15:21, 15:20, total time 1:30:54

With the weather starting to warm up I need to start thinking about transitioning to running in the mornings. On days I work I don't think it will be hard, I'll just run as soon as I get off. Might have to adjust my eating prior though. Fridays shouldn't be too bad either since I've been getting up early to do the mini Incline. Might have to do my run first though, but we might start the Incline earlier so if we do that I'll just keep with the run after. Saturdays will be my challenge, might have to get up early, then nap when I get home. Doesn't look like I'll have to worry about it this upcoming week, looks to be a bit chilly and rainy mid week. This upcoming week is another short week for me, yeah. I'll also try to do a race update, less than a month to go now!!

I took a picture from the top of the mini Incline but again it's too big. Maybe I need to adjust a setting on the phone, will try again next week.
I took a picture from the top of the mini Incline but again it's too big. Maybe I need to adjust a setting on the phone, will try again next week.

I email the picture to myself on my iPhone and choose to send it as a "medium" size. That reduces it for you and then you can post under the 1MB limit.
Just a quick midweek update on my upcoming race. Got an email yesterday about packet pick up so it's starting to get real. My ultimate goal when I signed up for this was to get a submittable POT. There is also a half marathon as well as full marathon but I knew my best shot would be the 10 mile. I have to admit I'm kinda bummed about not running the half, maybe next year. The half goes through the zoo and also goes through one of the fire stations. They have the charity calendar firemen there cheering you on. The highlight of the 10 mile is going through Mile High Stadium so it will do for this year. I'm not quite sure I'll reach my ultimate goal but I think I can get close. There are a lot of things in my favor. The 10 miler feeds into the marathon. You are assigned a corral and it sounds like they only let a few people go at a time so there will not be a mass start. I also finally pulled the elevation map. I knew it would be mostly flat and looks like it's more of a downhill with only a small uphill. Looks like it goes through some of the more scenic parts of town too so that should be fun. The main thing I need to focus on is keeping up with my intervals. I have a bad habit of creating my own intervals based on feel during races which results in running too far too fast at the beginning with very few walk breaks then I get tired so I walk a lot more at the end. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is instead of a shuttle to get you back to your car, they give you a bus ticket to take public transportation which is a bus ride then transfer to light rail then walk. My brother is running the half so his car will be at the end so maybe I can get him to give me a ride. We'll see as it gets closer.

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This week was my last big week before race day!! Overall it was a pretty good week. Monday was a pretty uneventful run, a few slightly slower miles and the fast was a tad fast but put me right on for time. Wednesday's run I figured was a good day to test out running in the morning after work since I didn't have o work that night, it was also supposed to be quite rainy in the afternoon and light rain in the morning. Got stuck working a but late due to a late report. The path I usually run, the parking area is open sunrise to sunset but when I got there around 6:45 the gates were still closed. So I continued driving to the next parking area and that was closed as well. Not sure what was going on with that, sunrise was right around 6 so who knows. The next parking area doesn't have gates so I headed there and finally was on my way. It was drizzly and a little chilly but was great for a faster paced run but I went out a little on the fast side, oops. Coming back it was raining much harder so that slowed me down and got me back on track. After I got home and showered I thought the run would energize me and be harder to sleep but the cooler weather and rain made sleeping rather easy. I slept till 5, a little later than I would like to start my weekend but would be right on track if I had work so I think this will work good on work days. Two of the girls I've been doing the stairs with had scheduling conflicts that day so it was put off till Saturday. I debated changing something up, either my runs or just doing the stairs myself but I like having the camaraderie and being able to push each other. This week we upped it to 5 times so that was 1000 stairs. I figured if I could do 1000 stairs followed by 10 easy paced miles the race would be a piece of cake so I kept everything as is. Friday's run was uneventful, a touch fast but not bad. Saturday we started out bright and early at 7. Last week we ran one trip so this week we ran twice, yikes. The first run we made it to 50 then went in 30-40 increments after that. The second was pretty much the same but towards the top it was tough, my legs felt like jello but we did it. The last week I felt a bit dehydrated on the stairs so this week I had a bottle of propel and drank a bit every time we were at the bottom. After the stairs I hopped in the car and made my way back to town and had an oatmeal square and finished off the propel. After getting to my path, a change of shoes and trip to the bathroom I was off. The first 2 miles my legs were still jello but they were right on track. Then my legs started feeling normal again and was too fast the rest of the run. Oops. The last mile or so I was ready to be done. It was getting pretty hot. The first half the sun was at my back but coming back it was in my face and made me feel ever hotter and even though I drank another bottle of propel throughout I was feeling dehydrated again but I pushed through and finished it out. I guess I need to start thinking about better options for carrying water. Right now I have a bottle I use with my flip belt but it's only a 12 oz bottle. Not a huge fan of handhelds and the vests I worry I will get too hot with so I'm thinking to look at another belt option. I can wait a few weeks on that though until after my race. I also signed up for Bolder Boulder. I was debating it, it's the week after my race and was able to get that Sunday night off. I will just go at a nice easy pace for this and not go all out. This was my first real race I ran last year so I couldn't resist it. There's also a 2 mile run later that week through work that's a charity run but I haven't decided on that, I'm leaning towards no because it's during the day and I work the night before but the charity part is pulling at me.

Planned runs:
Monday: 4 miles easy, total time 1:01:04
Wednesday: .5 easy, 5 miles HM, .5 easy, total time 1:18:48
Friday: 6 miles easy, total time 1:31:36
Saturday: 10 miles easy, total time 2:32:40

Actual runs:
Monday: splits 15:26, 15:19, 15:20, 15:07, total time 1:01:09
Wednesday: splits 13:57, 12:10, 12:28, 13:03, 13:26, 14:3, total time 1:19:20
Friday: splits 15:11, 14:55, 15:04, 15:20, 15:30, 15:03, total time 1:30:54
Saturday: splits 15:08, 15:09, 14:54, 14:54, 14:45, 14:59, 15:00, 14:37, 15:04, 15:08, total time 2:30:51

This next week is a training week, another all day outside kind of day. I'm thinking of doing my runs in the morning this week, it's supposed to be pretty warm with afternoon storms. Also thinking ahead I think I going to skip the stairs on race week. Or at the very least do them on my own earlier in the week, maybe Tuesday, supposed to up that week to 6 times so we'll see.

Mini Incline


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