i want adventure in the great wide somewhere - running journal! (comments welcome)


adventure is out there
Jan 24, 2012
Welcome to my training journal, which began with the post below as I had signed up for my first half marathon - the Disney Princess Half in 2018. Check it out to see where I started and where I have ended up since.

"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere; I want it more than I can tell."

Hello DisBoards & Welcome to my training journal for the February 2018 Disney Princess Half Marathon! I am very excited to be running with Girl Power 2 Cure and I'm doubly excited that I convinced my friend, Devin, to join me!


About Me

Here's the nutshell version: my name is Jillian and I'm 27 years old! I'm a proud daughter, sister, friend, and chosen auntie. A Ravenclaw. A world traveler. A Harry Potter enthusiast. I love everything pop culture and believe that there is always something new I can learn. I'm a girl almighty.

(This is me on the flight to Disney in February 2017 - the trip that got me here today)

ON DISNEY: I've been to Disney a few or more times since 1994 and was bit by the bug in 2010 when I went twice! My most recent trip to Disney was in February for a bachelorette party and I spent half the time wishing I were one of the people taking photos with my race medal in front of the castle! I told my friends there that I would run the half marathon one day. They were skeptical.

ON RUNNING: In high school I joined the track team as a sprinter and ran two seasons for four years. I wasn't particularly fast and mostly joined for the social aspect and to "keep in shape" for field hockey. By my junior year I was down to about an 8-9 minute mile and could run for a full hour of my field hockey game with ease.

ON NOT RUNNING: I stopped running after high school. I would sign up for the occasional fun run and mostly walk it. I stayed active through dance and ice skating classes, and decided I couldn't run anymore due to developing tendonitis and exercise-induced asthma.
Until now...

That brings us to today! Like I said, I saw those runners with their medals and had CMs asking me if I was there that weekend to run and I turned green with envy. And now I'm signed up to run with Girl Power 2 Cure!

1. Run 3x a week (twice during the week and once on the weekend)
2. Cross-train 2x a week (do some yoga and lifting)
3. Complete my first 10k (I'm registered for a race on 10/21) DONE 10/21/2017
4. Complete my first half marathon DONE 2/25/2018
5. Raise $500 for Girl Power 2 Cure DONE 11/28/2017
6. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate.
7. Lose those 20 pounds I found in grad school.

*Goals are subject to change because I have that power.

Comments in this thread are welcome! I'm so excited to share my training with you all and to be part of the runDisney community!

There is something you must always remember: you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
- A.A. Milne

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Personal Records

1 mile: 8:36
5K: 29:54
10K: 1:02:48
Half Marathon: 2:23:52
Marathon: 5:48:21

Annual Totals
2017: 197.80 miles
2018: 227.30 miles
2019: 227.60 miles
2020: 426.10 miles
2021: 450.40 miles
2022: 864.40 miles
2023: 776.20 miles

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Great intro! DW ran her first Princess Half this past Feb, and will be back this Feb as well (and also for the marathon in Jan, she caught the bug!).

Training for these things is always such an inspiring journey. Best of luck to you!
Great intro! DW ran her first Princess Half this past Feb, and will be back this Feb as well (and also for the marathon in Jan, she caught the bug!).

Training for these things is always such an inspiring journey. Best of luck to you!

Thank you! Congrats and good luck to your DW! My friend texted me the other day to tell me about a candy stop on the marathon route and I told her I need to finish the half first. :rotfl:
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I'm considering today to be training day #1!

Since I started to think about running the marathon, I started to work out a little bit. I first went on a training run with a friend who is running the half in February as well and (according to my endomondo) we did about a 12-13 minute mile, which I'm considering not bad after nearly 5 years without having gone for run. Then I did runs twice a week on the elliptical after work because I've always been nervous about getting back to pavement with my tendonitis. Then on Sunday I went for a 2 mile run and kept that 12 ish minute mile pace with a run/walk, although right now my run/walk isn't on any real schedule per the training, it's more of a... run until you can't and then walk until you can again.

So TODAY is the real first day of training. I did a 30 minute run around my neighborhood. I forgot to put my endomondo on when I first started, so the first 10 or so minutes weren't recorded, but I ended up going about 2.3 miles in that 30 minutes. I think my Disney shirt made the run easier. :) This photo is from my walking portion toward the last third of the run. Honestly guys, if I don't photograph my work out then did I even ever work out (and yes, I did send this on snapchat to a bunch of friends).


I did some yoga yesterday and might do some more tomorrow night - I'm not quite ready to get into lifting. Then I'll do another 30 minutes around the block. I'll do the same route I did today because it was exactly 30 minutes at my current fitness level. As I increase my stamina and endurance, I imagine my route will change. This Sunday I'll aim for 3 miles!
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Hi runDis!

If I'm not snap chatting my runs - then am I actually even training?

On Thursday I switched my route up a little bit, but it was mostly the same. It was rainy and cool, so I ran in a long sleeve shirt and a rain coat to protect my iPhone and I think that trapped the heat in. I should pay attention to the conditions in which I'm running.

This is from my Endomondo:

July 9 - 2.19 miles in 27:41.
July 11 - 1.82 miles in 23:54 (I missed the first few minutes, so it was really closer to 2.2 miles in approx. 30 minutes)
July 13 - 2.58 miles in 31:51 minutes.

I saw a coyote on my run! That was a little bit fun and a little bit scary. I won't have to worry about that in Florida. I felt pretty good, and did a big hill up toward the end. Tomorrow I'm going to do a route similar to this one, I just have to add half a mile. I know that I'm excited about the training because on my "rest" days I want to go for a run! I might start doing that this week. Do my regular Tues/Thurs runs, and then do others if I feel like it.

Tomorrow I'll post about my Sunday morning run and then I'll start doing weekly updates. :)
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Today I ran my 3 miles! And don't you worry, I did snapchat a friend (he was eating an ice cream, I was using my inhaler) but I didn't save it for you guys.

I ran 3.07 miles in 39:19! My mom joined me for the first mile and a half, then took a separate route to go home. She hit 2 miles, and I kept going so I would hit my 3! I definitely slowed a bit so she could keep up, but she also went hard so she wouldn't hold me back. She might start doing this with me more often - which would be awesome! She was a walker for a long time, and then became a zumba-er, and now might be a runner! Maybe one day she'll run the half!

No coyotes this morning. There's a bit of woods that I run by that I think the coyotes live in, so I always make sure to run by that area and I run the whole bit because I just don't want to be eaten by a coyote. (I kid, I kid - coyote's don't eat people, right?)

Monday: off
Tuesday: run 30 minutes
Wednesday: off
Thursday: run 30 minutes
Friday: off
Saturday: off
Sunday: 3 or 4 miles - we'll see how I feel! I have plenty of time before the 10k and the half, so I can fudge the Sunday runs, right?

I MIGHT do a couple more runs in there, and then my neighbor offered her home gym up as a place for me to do some cross training with weights. I work for a gym and have free membership and do I use it? No. Thank goodness I'm not paying for it.
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Happy Sunday, Dis! My alarm went off at 6:45 and I was off and on my run by 7:20! I am SO not a morning person, but I have to try to run in the mornings at least on Sundays so I can get used to the idea of it. The bonus is that I'm home by 8:30 or so and feel super accomplished! There's so much day still ahead!

Here was my week!

Distance: 2.4 miles
Time: 30:13
Average Pace: 12:34 min/mile

Unsurprisingly, my first mile was faster than my second. I went after work at around 4:45 p.m. and it was HOT. It's interesting training here because (a) my route is very hilly in comparison to relatively flat Florida and (b) it's a million degrees and a million humidity. I feel like I'm training in weather comparable to what it'll be like in Disney, but soon fall and winter will be here and the weather will be TOTALLY different.

Distance: 2.38 miles
Time: 30:01
Average Pace: 12:37 min/mile

Very similar to Tuesday. I've been doing my own sort of ratio running that's sort of "run until you can't and walk until you can" or based on how many utility poles I go by. I was feeling like I need to figure out a more consistent system of run:walk ratio and started to consider paying the $15 bucks for the Jeff Galloway app. Overall on these two runs, I was finally feeling it in my muscles. My calves were sort of aching and while I feel strong initially, as my run continues I start to fade. Obviously this makes sense, but the soreness in my muscles was new. Again, hot hot hot weather and hilly route.

Distance: 4.07 miles
Time: 50:10
Average Pace: 12:19

Today I ran more than 3 miles for the first time in my life! I ran track in high school, but I was a sprinter, so I never really hit more than 3 miles on my runs. But today I hit 4! I ended up buying the Galloway app and used that for my ratio. I ran for 2:00 and walked for 30. In the moment my mantra was along the lines of "This is terrible" over and over, but I think the ratio worked for me and with the bonus of the music being synced to my pace, I ended up doing very well and I feel great. Some pain in my calves during the run and my tendonitis was acting up a bit, but I think it'll get better each run. As for the app itself, I'm going to continue to use my endomondo for tracking my distance, pace and time... but I like using the Galloway app for the pacing and ratio stuff. Clearly it helped me go faster, which isn't necessarily my priority but I don't hate it. My fastest mile was my second, at 11:36!

Thanks for following along to my rambles about my running!

My friend Devin, the girl I'm running this with in February, is out with an injury. She has to rest for a week, but she's confident she'll get back into it with no problem once she's cleared. She hurt herself while stretching, actually. Is this common?

We're starting to plan our trip, too! I might start a pre-trip report... Not sure yet. Right now our plan is to fly in Thursday for the expo, do an easy run at one of the resorts (maybe the boardwalk or our home resort) and then grab dinner at Downtown Disney. For park days we're thinking Friday AK, Saturday HS, Sunday None (though I might want to do a park day this day), Monday MK and Tuesday Epcot. Fly home Wednesday. I'm considering doing a five day hopper, though, because I think I'll want to do an extra day in the parks versus relax after the race. I want as many photos of myself post-race with my medal as possible!

For ADRs, we're thinking of breakfast at the Crystal Palace and Cinderella's Royal Table (has anyone done that breakfast - how is it?). We also plan on lunch or dinner at Beaches & Cream or Be Our Guest and dinner at Rose & Crown. Last day is possibly breakfast at the Trattoria on the Boardwalk. I'm kind of funny in the way I like to plan my eating at the parks. There are certain snacks/foods I know I want to find time to eat (ex. mickey premium bar, mickey waffles) and other than that I'm not really bothered by where I go. Finishing my day at the World Showcase at Rose & Crown (pub or dining room) has been a bucket list thing for me recently - it reminds me of my semester abroad in London. Devin likes to plan each of her meals, whereas my family and I just pop onto the app to see what we can find that day. With that said, I'm excited about our planned ADRs for this trip!

Right now, we're also planning on staying at Port Orleans Riverside. Anyone stay there before? Thoughts?

WOW. That was a lot! Thanks for reading all of it!!
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My friend Devin, the girl I'm running this with in February, is out with an injury. She has to rest for a week, but she's confident she'll get back into it with no problem once she's cleared. She hurt herself while stretching, actually. Is this common?

It certainly can happen. Your body can be a compromised place either before or after the run. There are plenty of valid opinions as to whether stretching before or after running is necessary or a good idea. The best research I've read is one with 4 different study groups:

1) Those who stretched
2) Those who didn't stretch
3) Those who stretched, but were instructed to stop stretching.
4) Those who didn't stretch, but were instructed to start stretching.

Interestingly, groups 1 and 2 (polar opposites) had the exact same rate of injury of the course of the study. However, groups 3 and 4 equally had a higher rate of injury. The conclusion was changing the stretching routine may lead to more injuries than actually whether you stretch or not. Leads me to believe the use of stretching is very individual. I personally dynamic stretch before running and static stretch after running. I've added and removed different types of stretching routines over the years based on how they've made me feel. I've also skipped stretches on occasion and found I don't recover as well for the next day's run. Hope you find this helpful!
It certainly can happen. Your body can be a compromised place either before or after the run. There are plenty of valid opinions as to whether stretching before or after running is necessary or a good idea. The best research I've read is one with 4 different study groups:

1) Those who stretched
2) Those who didn't stretch
3) Those who stretched, but were instructed to stop stretching.
4) Those who didn't stretch, but were instructed to start stretching.

Interestingly, groups 1 and 2 (polar opposites) had the exact same rate of injury of the course of the study. However, groups 3 and 4 equally had a higher rate of injury. The conclusion was changing the stretching routine may lead to more injuries than actually whether you stretch or not. Leads me to believe the use of stretching is very individual. I personally dynamic stretch before running and static stretch after running. I've added and removed different types of stretching routines over the years based on how they've made me feel. I've also skipped stretches on occasion and found I don't recover as well for the next day's run. Hope you find this helpful!

This is super interesting. I tend not to stretch. I only stretch when I feel tightness in my muscles, so I've been stretching my calves today. What's the difference between static and dynamic stretching?
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This is super interesting. I tend not to stretch. I only stretch when I feel tightness in my muscles, so I've been stretching my calves today. What's the difference between static and dynamic stretching?

Static stretching is holding a pose for a certain period of time (like touching your toes and holding it). Dynamic stretching is done by doing movement (like kicking your legs out in front of you like a toy soldier). They work and prime the muscles differently.
Static stretching is holding a pose for a certain period of time (like touching your toes and holding it). Dynamic stretching is done by doing movement (like kicking your legs out in front of you like a toy soldier). They work and prime the muscles differently.

I see! Thanks! Maybe I'll start to introduce some high knees into my warm ups. I'll look real funny to the cars that drive by! :laughing:

@xjillianpaige Love the updates, keep up the great work!

Thank you! :)

Just did a morning run! I took some notes and jotted them down for my Sunday update! Now I'm trying to work up the energy to get my butt ready for work. I need to stop getting Dunkins as my breakfast... I think I'll grab Starbucks, instead. :rolleyes1 My friend is going to book the room by the end of the week! It's getting so real!

I had a weird dream last night that they changed the date of the Princess Half to this fall... and the location was moved to Boston! I ran a great race through the streets of Boston in 2 hrs & 30 minutes - all without a bib! I forgot to go to the expo. So I went to the expo (which was in a small warehouse in Boston) and started to shop, but then went to my car and watched a plane land in Boston Harbor! Needless to say a very strange dream (and probably a little bit of a stress dream - can't forget to go to the expo!) In my dream, the princess theme was centered around Cinderella and the half medal was a pair of glass slippers... so we'll see if dream-me is right!
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Just started reading your journal. Hi!!!!
I did a virtual run for Girl Power 2 Cure last year and it's awesome that you are running for that cause.
Good luck on your goals!!
Just started reading your journal. Hi!!!!
I did a virtual run for Girl Power 2 Cure last year and it's awesome that you are running for that cause.
Good luck on your goals!!

Thank you! :) Welcome into my journal!! :)
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Good morning! I watched Beauty and the Beast with my cousin last night (she's visiting from Florida - I'm the oldest and she's the youngest of the 6 cousins and we're the only girls #thebookends) and needless to say, I'm still singing the title of my training journal.

I want adventure in the great wide somewhere
I want it more than I can tell

On to this week's entry!

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't -- you're right.”
- Henry Ford

Distance: 2.92 miles
Time: 36:29
Average Pace: 12:29 min/mile

My first two miles were both under 12 minutes. I'm sort of surprised that I'm managing to have the first two miles be paced about the same, considering the first mile includes a 3 minute warm up. The last .92 miles was very slow, my cool down tends to be at a very relaxed pace - basically a stroll. The weather was cool and overcast. This actually happened to be a morning run in the middle of the week. I was closing at work and had dinner plans after, so it was the only time to run. Waking up on a weekday to run is totally different than on a Sunday; I think it's more difficult because instead of lounging around or doing fun things after showering, I have to get ready for work. I was also hurting more - feeling it in my quads and hamstrings.

Distance: 2.63 miles
Time: 36:44
Average Pace: 13:59 min/mile

This. Run. Felt. Terrible. My first mile was in 13:23 and the last .63 was averaging a 15 min/mile pace. Everything hurt. My hamstrings, calves, shins (
hello shin splints my old friend). I also was in a crap head space, so I ended up turning off the ratio on the Galloway app and just doing my "run at a slower than slow pace until you can't and then walk until you die" ratio. Even when I was "running" (if you can call it that) it was S L O W. My best friend's grandfather used to say he had three driving speeds (in this case - my running speeds): slow, slower, and "oh my god, is he moving at all?" I was the third one. I'm not sure what made this so tough - it was another morning run on a weekday (closing shift at work + night time CPR/first aid course) and a cool morning - same conditions as Tuesday. Either way, it made for a pretty discouraging run. But as my mom told me when I got home and called her to complain, "Jillian. You went out there and did it."

Distance: 2.41 miles
Time: 29:42
Average pace: 12:19 min/mile

I feel good (da na na na na na na) I knew that I would now (da na na na na na na) This morning when I woke up to go for a run, I decided that I would feel good and that it would be a good run. That mind set paid off! My first two miles were exactly 12:13 - including the 3 minute walking warm up - and the last .41 was on target to be a similar pace by the end of it. I did have some muscle pain on this run - mostly along my left leg (hamstrings and calves) but no shin splints today! Interestingly, it's my shoulders and shoulder blades that are hurting. I think I need to be more cognizant of relaxing them while I run (and in general). All in all - I felt good!

Tuesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Sunday: 5 miles

The only trick to this plan is that my 5 mile run on Sunday is (a) the day after a wedding and (b) will have to be at night because I'll be traveling back home. I'm not comfortable running in a city I'm not familiar with - especially one that has a not-so-nice reputation.

Devin & I are officially booked! We'll be at POR from Thursday to Wednesday! Right now, the only set plan is really to go to the expo on Thursday and then we'll firm up dining and parks from there. I still need to decide if I want to do a 4 or 5 day park hopper. And of course, we need to figure out flights.

Now - I am off to get ready for the day! The family is going to load up the minivan and drive north to NH to go blueberry picking at our cousin's old farm! See you next week!
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I'm early this week! I have a wedding this weekend and knew that I would NOT be feeling up for a run tomorrow morning, so I decided to get up early to run this morning! Here's my week:

On Monday, I didn't train, but I did go for a dream-run. I had a dream that I was down in Disney for the race weekend and my mom was there. We happened upon the 5k upon our arrival, so we decided to run it. I walked the first mile and then ran the last 2.1. The theme varied each day or you could pick the princess you wanted it to be themed after (I forget exactly the circumstance) and I got a Tangled/Rapunzle-themed medal!

Okay... now for awake-running...


Distance: 2.67 miles
Time: 33:59
Average Pace: 12:43 min/mile

This week I had the opening shift on Tuesday and Thursday, so these were both afternoon runs. It's so hot when I get out of work (around 3:30) so I waited to go for the run at 6:30. About one minute in, I realized that I needed to pee and started mapping out my run to go near my brother's friend's house in case I needed a pit stop. I ended up trucking through. I felt slow, but then I also felt like I was ahead of where I normally am when I compared the time and distance. I had some ankle pain and some pain on my left side - it's always my left side!. Actually, now that I think about it, my pain is in my left lower side but my right shoulder... maybe there's something to that. The calves felt very tight and heavy. I jumped into the pool after the run and I could literally feel my calves, it was a strange sensation. Other than that I felt good. As usual, my pacing seemed pretty on point - hovering between 12:43 and 12:47.

Distance: 2.68 miles
Time: 34:08
Average Pace: 12:45 min/mile

I did NOT want to go for this run. After work, I had a 4:30 nail appointment for the wedding today and my goodness. The mani/pedi felt so good that I swore I was going to fall asleep sitting up in the chair at the salon. I just did NOT want to do anything after being so relaxed. But I went anyway - in that miserable heat. Actually, my first mile I was on a phone call and I did pretty good! I muted my side of the call when I wasn't talking so she couldn't hear my awful gasping noises and heavy breathing. Then I hung up and kept going. I think talking made me slow, because that first mile was the slowest (13:09) and then the last mile and change was around a 12:30 pace. I was anticipating that I would be way slower because it felt hotter and muggier, but maybe that calf massage in the pedicure chair was exactly what I needed. Although this run did mess my toenails up a little bit. Overall - I felt good!

Distance: 5.13 miles
Time: 1:08:47
Average Pace: 13:25 min/mile

My first three miles were pretty steady, between 12:14 and 13:11 min/mile pacing. The second two miles on the other hand... phew. Those were tough, hovering around 14:00-14:30 minute miles. I could feel it. My run turned into this sad little shuffle and I just could not get those feet moving. I took longer walking breaks. The sun also started to come out around this time. I also got my first blister. Womp. But my body itself felt pretty good! My brain had trouble being positive, but I'm proud of myself for running 5 miles for the first time ever and I'm on a rollercoaster that can only go up (seriously, so many hills on this run). I did a different route than I normally do, which is pretty hilly and some of it is trails around the pond (it's about a mile run from my house to the pond, then three miles around) and the good news is that I only tripped over a rock once and didn't fall. There were so many obstacles - roots, rocks, pebbles, a sand pit. It's a miracle I survived nature like that (can ya tell I'm a city girl?).

And now I'm off to curl my hair and get ready for this wedding!

Tuesday: 30 minutes
Thursday: 30 minutes
Saturday: 6.5 miles

I'm going to do another Saturday run because I have family brunch plans on Sunday morning and then my neighbor/friend invited me to this workout event happening nearby after brunch. Let's hope I don't puke!

See ya next week!
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You dreamt about running? Congratulations, you are a runner :) . I have those too, especially on nights I stay up late treadmilling.
I'm proud of you for running 5 miles too!! Shuffle or not you kept going and completed it. 5 felt like a huge step for me back when I hit it.

And I also started getting my first blisters around these mileages. If you can buy a little stick of bodyglide sometime this week and then rub it on the area you tend to get hotspots or blisters (toes, arches, heels, you know your feet best) it really helps. Especially during sweatier weather months.

Great job!
You dreamt about running? Congratulations, you are a runner :) . I have those too, especially on nights I stay up late treadmilling.
I'm proud of you for running 5 miles too!! Shuffle or not you kept going and completed it. 5 felt like a huge step for me back when I hit it.

And I also started getting my first blisters around these mileages. If you can buy a little stick of bodyglide sometime this week and then rub it on the area you tend to get hotspots or blisters (toes, arches, heels, you know your feet best) it really helps. Especially during sweatier weather months.

Great job!

Thank you! What's so great about this training is that I am constantly improving. I may shuffle and huff and puff - but I'm running farther each time! If you had asked me if I were capable of this when I was a track runner - I'd say no! I also love the encouragement I get from you and the others on this board! I've always been great at cheering other runners on (I try to go to the Boston Marathon every year) and it's nice to be cheered for! :)

That's good to know about the body glide and blisters. I also used a different sock than I normally do. I might just see what happens with my 6.5 miler without doing much for it and see about new running sneakers as a reward for running 10k... right now I'm just wearing some Nike's I bought for fashion - not for running.

I remember when I was a field hockey player in high school, the first two weeks of practice left me and my friend with the WORST blisters and raw skin. Before practice, I would go to her house and her mom would wrap the hell out of my feet with whatever gauze and tape and bandaids she could find. Worked like a charm! Then in college I got a blister and I HATE to pop them, so I laid on the bathroom floor of my apartment while my roommate held my foot and popped it. I texted her today telling her I need her services!
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