Candy Apples, Monsters, Haunted Houses, Scare Zones, Strange Things an Exorcist and more. Is there a Doctor in the House? HHN 32 trip.


Look into my eyes
May 8, 2015



Welcome friends to my HHN 32 trip report.

A little backstory. I have been going to HHN for a few years now. I’am a retired RN and I enjoy traveling to my favorite place Universal Orlando whenever I can. I love everything Halloween. My husband does not like to travel much anymore, but he knows how much I love Halloween. He is the best hubby.

I usually make the trip to HHN solo or with my sister K or niece B. They love Halloween as much as I do and it is so fun to share HHN time with them.

My younger sister K will be joining me again this year. She attended HHN with me last year too.

Wow……….Has HHN grown over the years.

HHN has become far more popular over the years and is now a premier Halloween event. There is no where in the U.S. that I know of that has movie quality Haunted Houses and incredible Original Haunted Houses that can touch the ones presented at this event.

The merchandise has exploded and keeps growing every year. There is something for everyone.

The food options have really grown too. Although I’am not a big fan of weird Halloween food concoctions to speak of. The lines at the themed food booths are pretty impressive.

My home is decorated already for Halloween. It is never too early to decorate for Halloween. Besides this just gets the mood going for HHN.

Here are a few pics.

This is the tree in my dining room. It is my view while I’am typing this evening.



In my living room

My Witch Tree in my Kitchen

This is a wreath my older sister D made for me a few years ago.
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HHN started this evening. There has definitely been a lot of hype about this years event. They are bringing back “Stranger Things” so everyone who has watched the series on Netflix will want to see that house.

The Resorts are pretty much sold out during the time I will be there. So it sounds like it will be busy.

I have never attended the first night of the event. It just never appealed to me and like those that have done HHN over the years it is nice to let the kinks get worked out before attending if possible.

I will be leaving in


I’am looking forward to the trip. My younger sister K is coming with me again this year. She loves Halloween as much as I do. We have been known to encourage each other to buy more Halloween decorations even though we don‘t need anymore….LOL

While I’am counting down the days until I leave for my trip I thought it would be fun to look at a few HHN’s past.

Please feel free to comment or ask questions.

HHN 26 (2016)

Chance was the Icon

There were 9 houses that year. Six IP houses and 3 Originals.

1) American Horror Stories, Murder house, Freak Show and Hotel

2) Tomb of the Ancients

3) Exorcist

4) Ghost Town: Curse of Lightening Gulch

5) Halloween: Hell Comes to Haddonfield

6) Texas Chainsaw Massacre

7) Krampus

8) The Walking Dead

9) Lunatic‘s Playground

A stand out houses that year for me was Exorcist. It was a frightening house to walk through. I remember when you reached the room where Regan was tied down to the bed it smelled like puke. That was a bit real for me.

Good Haunted Houses should trigger the senses and this house did for sure.

The Scare Zones were:

1) Vamp “55”

2) Survive or Die Apocolypse

3) Deadman‘s Wharf

4) Lair of the Banshee

5) A Chance in Hell


Bill and Ted Show

Coming up everything you need to survive a night of HHN and more HHN’s past.

To be continued

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Seven days and counting to vacation.


HHN time is here. This is a photo of my Niece B on our first night of HHN 30 in 2021.
She loves Halloween as much as I do. I love this pic. I will share more of those photos as I go through more of the information on HHN’s past.

Now onto tips for those that have never attended HHN.

1. Weather…… If you are traveling from an area of cooler climates be prepared to enjoy the Florida heat. Typically it is very warm and muggy in Florida this time of year. This is also the rainy season so there is water too.

Bring a rain poncho for your backpack. On the subject of backpacks only carry what you need. I will guarantee you will not want to be carrying a huge backpack around in the heat.

That being said there can be enjoyable nights at times during HHN were there is a breeze and the temp is in the mid 80’s.

2. Hydration…..I know folks think they drink enough water when out in the parks, but the extra activity as well as the heat can cause you to dehydrate quickly. Make sure to drink plenty of water. Ice water is free at any of the areas that sell sodas. I have also heard you can fill up your water bottle at the free style machines.

3. Conserve your energy…….Make sure to rest up the day of your HHN Night. Save your energy and rest your feet, because you are going to be doing a lot of walking and standing in line for the Haunted Houses.

The Haunted Houses are located in the back lots. You enter the lines for the Houses from the regular park area, but the paths to the Houses and the roped lines are sometimes a big hike.

Doing a day in the parks then HHN In the evening is a lot. I have seen folks in great shape burnt out after such a day. If you can, save your energy for the evening.

4. Entering HHN for the evening……….You have a few options. If you get into the park before it is closed to the day guests that do not have HHN tickets for the evening then you can go to a “Stay and Scream“ area. You have to have a regular park ticket or AP to do this.

These areas are set up to allow folks that are already in the parks with regular park tickets or AP’s and HHN tickets for the evening to stay and be released to the haunted houses before the other folks who are at the gates waiting to get in.

You can purchase a ”Stay & Scream” ticket for an extra cost if you do not have a regular park ticket for the day and want to be inside the park and be released to the Houses early from one of the “Stay & Scream” areas.

If you are an onsite Resort guest they usually have a special entrance open during HHN for you to be scanned through and enter. So utilize that if you can as the line to get into the park from the regular entrance will be long.

Look at the HHN map. Choose a “Stay & Scream” area close to the Houses you want to see first.



5. Go during the week……..If you can, go during the week. Wednesday and Thursday night will be typically less crowded then the Weekend.

6. Time saving Tours and EP………HHN has really exploded in popularity over the years especially the past couple of years. If you have limited time and can afford it buying into one of the Tours for the evening is the way to go. There are two Tour Types to choose from.

Public RIP TOUR……You will have a Tour Guide for the evening that will take you to the front door of each of the Haunted Houses once during the evening. There is no waiting in line for you.

Included in your Tour is food and dessert offerings at Cafe La Bamba before your Tour starts and you can return with your Tour group during the event for a rest stop and refreshments.

Also included in the Tour is a HHN lanyard and rest stops at two air conditioned cocktail lounges set up in the park just for the Tours. These are for pay cocktail lounges. Seats are also set aside for your group at the nighttime show.

At the end of your Tour you can use your RIP Lanyard card as Express pass to all the rides that are open for the evening.

I have taken the Public Tour the last few years and they are very nice. The Tour Guides are very knowledgeable about all the Haunted Houses and share that information with you.

At the end of the Tour remember your Tour Guide and bless them with a tIp. I know the Tours are expensive, but the Guides can receive tips and they work really hard for them.

Private RIP TOUR……This is a tour that an individual has bought on their own. They then with the help of their Tour Guide set up the evening the way they want to. They invite others to join their tour. The cost of Tour is split among the number of people invited.

Also in the past the person who bought the Tour could let Universal know they had positions in their tours still available and Universal would help them find people to fill their spots if needed. I‘am not sure if this is still the case. Someone can pop in and let us know.

The Private Tour Guide can the take members of the tour into the Houses as many times as they want during the evening of the Tour. There is also time set aside to go to the front of the line on the rides that are open during the event.

In the past the Private Tours would check in at guest services and be taken to the second floor of the building to watch the gates open for the evening if your tour started during that time. Then you were taken to Cafe La Bamba for food and desserts before your tour started.

Also included in this tour are the air conditioned lounge stops for the evening. You can also return in the evening with your tour group for a rest and refreshments.

In this Tour the evening is planed by the person who purchased the Tour. In the Public Tour the Tour guide plans the flow of the evening.

I have been invited to join a few private Tours and they were wonderful.

Express Pass…..Express Pass for HHN is different than Express Pass for your day visit to the park. HHN is a separately ticketed event therefore there is an Express Pass available for the event.

The Express Pass is set up to allow you to go to the Express line to enter the houses quicker then those without Express.

If you have ever been to HHN and seen the regular lines to get into houses the Express Pass is a life saver and worth the money. That being said you will not walk right to the front door of the houses upon entering the Express line (unless it is later in the night on a non-busy night) You are going to wait a little as Express has become very popular with people.

Last year I waited at most 25 minutes in line for the more popular houses with my Express Pass.

Remember the weekend is busier and it looks like this is going to be a bumper year with some very popular houses so wait times with EP could be longer on the Weekends depending on how many Express Passes have been sold.

If you have your HHN ticket already you can go online at Universal Orlando and pick your date to purchase your EP. You can wait until the evening of your HHN visit and buy the EP for the night at guest services or in others areas of the park. The passes can sell out for the night so beware of that.

7. Multi-night tickets…….Like Rush of Fear, Frequent Fear etc…will allow you multiple nights to visit HHN. You can look at the Multi-night tickets and see which one would fit your needs if you are going to be going multiple nights during your stay at the Resorts or if you are a local.

These tickets have the option of adding EP to them.

The multi-night tickets allow you more time to see the Haunted Houses over a period of days if you do not wish to invest in the Tours or EP.

I know there are some people who have been able according to them to see every house in an evening without EP or a Tour, but my guess it has taken careful planning on a slow night with Stay & Scream for that to occur.

I’am older and I cannot commando the event like I used to. So it is not much fun for me to feel as though I have to wreck myself to see everything in one night. I want to see and enjoy the Houses and Scare zones and be able to walk upright after a night of HHN…LOL…..I have seen many a youngster crying the blues crumpled on the pier waiting for the Water Taxi to pick us up to go back to the Resort.

That being said, I know there are some who are attending for the first time and only have one or two nights. That is where the EP or a Tour would help.

7. Wear comfortable shoes…… you have already broken in for the trip. I saw many youngsters last year standing with their shoes off with angry blisters on their heels and toes. You will be walking your feet off and shoes you might have worn for a couple of hours Before will now be On your Feet for hours in the heat. Be kind to your feet they hold you up. Make sure to have some bandaids just in case you need them.

8. Drink responsibly…... There is alcohol served during the event. Those fun flavored cocktails in the flashing glasses are interesting to try, but when you consume to many you can ruin your evening as well as someone else’s.

Lots of alcohol and heat does not go well. It will dehydrate you quicker and make you sick.

9. Security for all……….there is security that are everywhere during the event. It is sad that this has to happen, but there are always a few that can’t keep their hands to themselves. When you have crowds of people in all age groups and there is alcohol you have a potential recipe for disaster.

That being said I have only witnessed issues a couple of times in all the years I have attended.

10. The Scareactors are awesome……..They are there because they love the event and want to be part of the entertainment. There are some Actors that do wear stilts as part of their costume. They can be injured if pushed causing them to fall. This happened last year as well as few other incidents. There are also roaming Scareactors in the Scare Zones and Actors in houses. They are the reason we have a HHN to go to. Be nice to them and enjoy the event.

11. Should I take my child with me to HHN……The information shared by Universal is that the event is not suggested for children under the age of 13. That being said there are according to some parents children that are not affected by the Haunted Houses or Scare Zones. I think it is a common sense approach and I would follow Universals suggested age limit.

There is alcohol being served at the event as noted above.

12. Go in and have a wonder around Diagon Alley.……You will never see this area this open and crowd free as it is on the nights of HHN. Enjoy some Potter time.

Hope this helps someone who is going or thinking of going to HHN this year.

If anyone else has additional information to share please do. There is a sticky on the Universal boards set up by the lovely keishashadow ” Official 2023 Halloween Horror Nights 32 (Orlando)” There is lots of information there so go have a look.

So go and have the best time ever at HHN 32 this year.

To be continued

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As I continue to reminisce about HHN past I have

days until it is time to leave for vacation.

I hope some of the folks that have been going to HHN for years will enjoy this to pass the time as you are waiting to leave for HHN this year. Also if you are going to HHN for the first time and have not left yet I hope you enjoy this too.

It is time to take a little trip down memory lane to HHN 27 (2017)


Here was the lineup of Houses and Scare Zones that year.

There were 5 IP Houses that year and 4 Original Houses that year.

1. The Shining

2. ScareCrow The Reaping

3. The Fallen


4. Ash Vs Evil Dead

5. American Horror Story: Volume 2
Asylum, Coven and Roanoke

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6. Dead Waters


7. The Hive

8. Saw


9. The Horrors of Blume House

Scare Zones

1. Trick or Treat




2. The Purge

3. Festival of the Deadliest

4. Alien Invasion

5. Alters of Horror

This was also the last year of the Bill & Ted show.
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This was by far one of my favorite years of HHN. It just seemed like the Haunted Houses and Scare Zones were top notch.

My sister K went with me this year and we had a great time. We did a Private RIP Tour that was hosted by the Queen of HHN Mac. I say that fondly as she is the person that helped me most when I started attending HHN.

Also on the Tour was a fellow Sans member L. I think this was her first HHN and we all had a blast. More on the Tour later.

A little info on the houses

The Shinning……of course is a classic Stephen King novel. This house was good and and there were memorable scenes from the movie. The twins were walking around in the Alters of Horror Scare Zone.

ScareCrow The Reaping…..This was an awesome original house. The outside of the house looked like a grown up corn field with an old farm windmill. You entered the house and it was dark and you heard birds chirping over head, then you felt something wet falling on you and the effect was that the birds over head were doing what comes naturally…LOL..It was water of course, but the effect was genuis.

There were giant evil ScareCrows jumping out at you. It was a good house for sure.

The Fallen…..was an original house and it is my favorite house of all time. It was like walking into Hell and it smelled of fire and brimstone. There were Fallen Angels on pikes and evil heralding Trumpets ringing out.

This by far had the best effects I have seen in a haunted House. There was a section of the house were a Fallen Angel flew at you on a bungee cord, an Angel flew over you and an Angel appeared to fall on you as you were exiting the House.

It was like walking through Hell and you wanted out.

There was a special opportunity for AP holders the following year at Pantages Theatre during HHN for you to talk to the creative directors of HHN about the houses. I asked who it was that had the idea for “The Fallen” and the young man who’s idea it was said “he created it from a dream he had”. What a dream.

I wanted to bring up an interesting fact for those that have attended HHN in the past and those that are going this year.

You really need to go into a house more then once to appreciate everything there is to see and experience in the house.

I remember each time I went into the “Fallen House“ I saw something else I had not noticed before. Also as you move through the line it is not possible to really hang back and take your time looking around. If everyone did that they would not be able to get everyone through the houses in a timely manner.

This brings up another option for you to appreciate the houses. Take an Unmasking the Horror Tour. This is a Tour that is offered during the day. You have a Tour Guide who takes you through a select grouping of houses with the lights on. They give you a lot of information on the houses.

There is a 6 house Tour and a 3 House Tour. You have the ability to take photos in select areas of the houses and you can appreciate the artistry that goes into creating the houses that you can not take in totally in the dark during HHN.

The Tour Guides are awesome and they can receive tips so bless them if you can. They do go out of their way to make sure you have a great time.

I have taken the UMH Tour for a few years now and I try and make sure not to miss it.

Ash Vs Evil Dead…..the one standout of this house was that on the night of the tour we were on my sister, L and myself were walking through this house when the female character steps out from behind the door and shouts a rude comment to us. It totally caught us off guard and we laughed so hard. It was hilarious. Then as we are leaving the house the main character shoots his gun towards a barrel and water sprays us.

American Horror Story…….The one stand out in this house for me was as I was walking through the Asylum section of the house a scary Santa popped out from behind the wall and scared the bejesus out of me. I was looking at the Christmas tree with all the medical supplies hanging in it and then out of no where here is Scary Santa. I thought my sister K who was behind me would never stop laughing.

I‘am not a person that scares easily. I had been talking to my sister and had just told her I do not scare easily….Santa made me eat my words that night….LOL

Dead Waters: realm of the Voodoo Queen….This was an original house. It was a slanted sinking paddle wheel boat with gators swimming near by that contained the Voodoo Queens home. This was the first time I remember them having a slanted entrance to a house. It was awesome and the effect was clever.

The Hive…..This was an original house and I will admit my hopes were high for this house as I love vampires. I just did not get much from the house that appealed to the true origin and myth of vampires. It fell short for me. My hopes are that someday they will have a Castle Dracula House that will be fantastic.

Saw….I did not see the movie so I will admit although the house had some nice scary scenes and some good special effects it was not my favorite.

Horrors of BlumHouse…..This was a good house to walk through, but again I had not scene any of the movies so it was lost on me.

The best Scare Zone That year for me was.

Trick or Treat… of my favorite scare zones . it was not only fun, but it was beautiful to walk through with all the Pumpkins lit up in the trees.

Little Sam of course was the star.


We had a great time on Mac’s Private Tour that year. We met a number of the folks that post on the Sans sticky and If I remember correctly it was L’s first HHN. We were in the rear of the group and we encouraged my sister to go in front of L and myself. She looked back and said “what am I the sacrificial lamb” It was hysterical. L was behind my sister K and she had a death grip on K‘s purse with her head buried in her back walking through some of the houses. We have fond memories of that night and chuckle about it still.

To be continued

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Five days to go.

Remembering HHN 28 (2018)

There were 10 houses that year. Five Scare Zones and Academy of Villian’s Show. Five IP houses and five Original Houses.

1. Stranger Things

2. Poltergeist

3. Halloween 4: Return of Micheal Myers

4. Horrors of Blumhouse

5. Trick or Treat

6. Dead Exposure Patient Zero

7. Carnival Graveyard: Rust in Pieces

8. Slaughter Sinema

9. Seeds of Extinction

10. Scary Tales: Deadly Ever after


1. Revenge of Chucky

2. Killer Klown’s from Outer Space

3. Vamp 85: New Years Eve

4. Twisted Tradition

5. The Harvest


Academy of VillIan’s: Cyberpunk

1. Stranger Things……This was the first year for a “Stranger Things” House and it was a good one.


The House was a very good representation of the first season with iconic scenes included.

The attention to detail and design in each of the rooms was incredible.




They also had some nice merch related to the season and a I bought a few pieces.

The pen has a light in it that reflects a scene on the wall.

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2. Poltergeist……This was a good house and had some interesting details.

I thought the way they constructed the first room to allow you to view the house from underground was awesome.

This scene depicts the place in the movie where the mom stumbles into an excavated swimming pool pit that has been dug and watches in horror as coffins start popping up to the surface around her.


3. Halloween 4: Return of Micheal Myers.


4. Horrors of Blumhouse…..This house was lost on me.

5. Trick or Treat……after seeing little Sam in the Trick or Treat Scare Zone the year before it was interesting to see a full house. It was a good house with with some decent scares.





to be coninued

6. Dead Exposure: Patient Zero

In this original house there has been a biological outbreak and it has turned humanity into Zombies.

I remember this house had a strong strobe affect in it and it was very disorienting.

7. Carnival Graveyard: Rust in Pieces

This original house was set in a dilapidated salvage yard that had rusting carnival pieces from the past.

8. Slaughter Sinema

This was an original house That was Set up like a local drive-in in Carey, Ohio. It was an interesting house.

9. Seeds of Extinction

This was an original house in a time after humanity was wiped out after a meteor. The only thing left is evil vegetation that covers everything.

This was an interesting house to look at.

10. Scary Tales: Deadly Ever After

This was an original house. As you entered the house the Wicked Witch of the West flew around the front of the Fairytale Castle casting an evil spell that had twisted the characters of some of the most beloved fairytales. I remember this giant teddy bear coming out of nowhere to scare you. It was a good house.

A view of the Castle during the lights on UMH Tour.

Stand out Scare Zones that year were

Vamp 85: New Years Eve

It had vampires walking around of famous performers like Prince, Madonna, Freddy Mercury, Adam Ant and Micheal Jackson.

My favorite as far as theming was Twisted Tradition.

Outside the entrance was a nod to Carey, Ohio a place that crops up in many HHN houses and scare zones and was actually the hometown of one of the creator’s of HHN.


The Pumpkins were lit up again that year in this scare zone.



As a nice little nod to HHN during the event they darken the letters on Mel’s Drive in to say Mel’s DIE-IN

To be continued

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Oops I forgot to add yesterday September 5th was my
Days to go.

Today is
Three days away from the start of my trip.

Remembering HHN 29 in 2019


There were 10 Haunted Houses, Five Scare Zones and 2 shows.


1. Stranger Things

2. Us

3. Universal Monsters

4. Ghostbusters

5. Killer Klowns From Outer Space

6. House of a Thousand Corpses

7. Depths of Fear

8. GraveYard Games

9. Nightingales Blood Pit

10. Yeti: Terror of the Yukon


1. Zombie Land Double Tap

2. Rob Zombie: Hellbilly Deluxe

3. Anarch-Cade

4. Vanity Ball

5. Viking Undead


1. Marathon of Mayhem Show-Lagoon

2. Academy of Villians-Altered States

This was the year my niece B flew in for a few days and I took her on a Public RIP Tour.

This was B’s first HHN and she said she had a wonderful time.

Now on with HHN 29.

Stranger Things




These photos of the Stranger Things House were taken on the Unmasking the Horror Tour. The Mind Flayer was prominent in this house.

I will admit I‘am not a person who will go and watch every movie that is going to be an IP house for HHN. With that said, I have enjoyed a lot of the IP houses even though I did not see some of them

2. US…..This house was lost on me as I did not see the movie and the house just looked like a bunch of people standing around.

3. Universals Monsters …….This had Dracula, Frankenstein and The Werewolf. The one thing that stood out to me in this was the scene in one of the rooms that was a forest and a animatronic Werewolf lurched out at you. It was a great scene and scare.

4. Ghostbusters…..the House was themed on the 1984 original film. For me it was more of a fun house with some of the classic scenes from the movie.

This house was on the UMH Tour.



I had done a Public RIP Tour and then a week later I was invited by a lovely couple Patty and Joe who I had met the year before on Mac’s Private RIP Tour to join them on their Family Private RIP Tour. They are a lovely couple and I had a blast on their tour.
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5. Killer Klowns from Outer Space…..I did not see this movie and the house was more of fun house.


While I’am thinking of it some of the Haunted Houses in the past have had buttons to push that blow air or rattles chains etc. Keep and eye out for these. Killer Klowns had a couple.

6. House of a thousand Corpses…..The movie this house was made from was directed by Rob Zombie. There was plenty a of Gore in this house.

7. Depths of Fear….This house was interesting to look at. You entered the house and you were deep in ocean where a deep water mining company are being overtaken by Mouthbrooders. This was not a scary house, but it was interestIng.

8. Graveyard Games…..I don’t remember much about this house. I don’t remember anything stand out about this house.

9. Nightingales Blood Pit…..This was an original house that was set in the time of the ancient Roman Arenas. There are creatures that are drawn to the dying Gladiators.

I always find props that have been used in previous houses. These spear pikes were used in the “Fallen“ house in HHN 27.

My interest in the previously used props is not a “gotcha“ I remember these props from another house.

I’am more interested in how the design team incorporates the previous props artistically into their ideas of future houses.

This is truly a form of what I would call Horror Art and Design. Some of the Houses especially the original houses are absolutely beautiful.








10. Yeti: Terror in the Yukon…..This was an original an house and the winter scene of the logging camp was really striking, There were some good scares in this house by the Yeti’s.
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It is now
Two days from the start of my vacation.

Stand out Scone Zone was ……….Rob Zombies Hellbilly Deluxe.




They had Dragula there for a photo op


The Tribute Store was awesome


There were some scenes from “Stranger Things”

to be continued

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I guess since this is my start date of vacation I should start putting my dates in.

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Look into my eyes


I really like Dracula and the Dracula movies. I‘am looking forward to the Monsters unmasked house. I hope Drac is represented well there.

Good evening everyone. It is time to leave for vacation this evening. I’am resting up and I have a couple of hours before I leave to pick up my sister for our road trip.

We did a road trip last year down for HHN and we had so much fun we decided to drive again. I like having my own vehicle. Also with the planes being unreliable at this time I wanted the flexibility to change plans easily if needed.

We will be staying at the beautiful Portofino Bay Resort. This is my home away from home for vacation. It is beautiful and it has some of the nicest folks that work there. They are awesome. I‘am looking forward to checking in on Tuesday.


When the grandchildren would vacation with me at Portofino I usually would rent a Cabana. They loved it. This Cabana was at the beach pool. The waiters really take care of you during the time you have your Cabana. The pool staff are wonderful.
I think everyone has a favorite Resort. It is something I guess that just appeals to us when we stay there.

The Portofino has 3 pools. This is a photo of the Beach pool. I like both the Beach pool and the Villa Pool. I have never walked over to the Hillside Pool.

I have a stayed at the Royal Pacific Resort and they are wonderful there. It is a very nice Resort.

I have stayed at the Sapphire Falls Resort and the staff there are very kind and helpful. I really enjoy staying in their Lagoon View Rooms.

The rooms are very nice and the resort is wonderful. It is a beautiful place to stay for sure.

I have stayed in the Sapphire Suite and it is beautiful.

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The Portofino Bay Resort is the farthest Resort from the Parks and it is a nice walk to the parks about 15 or 20 minutes. Of course I like to saunter when I walk at my age I‘am not to concerned with hurrying anywhere if its not needed…LOL

I like the fact that Portofino is far enough away from the parks that you really feel you are removed from the action enough that you feel like you are in a stand alone Resort.

I have been learning how to really enjoy the resorts more with laid back pool time and evening cocktails.

We are staying club level this trip and it appears the resort is sold out during our stay.

It seems like everyone wanted to go earlier in September this year.

Our son C has already called this evening to check on the time I’am leaving. He is so sweet. He calls to check up on me when I’am driving on a trip. He keeps me up to date on weather situations and just to check up on mom.

I do have a wonderful husband and family.

I introduced son and daughter in law to Universal a couple of years ago and now they are big fans. I had been taking their son P and daughter M (my sweet grandchildren) for years.

I had the pleasure of introducing my older grandson E and his wife D and their daughter B (great-granddaughter) two years ago during Mardi Gras To Universal. They are big fans now too. D is a big Harry Potter fan so I was her guide to all things Potter and she loved it. We stayed at Portofino Bay and we had connecting rooms. We had a wonderful time.

I have the house all cleaned and tidy. Not that is was dirty, but I have this need to make sure everything is extra tidy before I leave for trips. I made all of my hubby‘s favorites foods and he has a nice selection of things to choose from.

He is the best hubby. He knows how much I like Halloween and Haunted Houses. He tells me this is my time to just chill and sleep when I want, shop, eat when I want and have a good time. I think there will be a few naps mixed in there too.

Time to go.

To be continued

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Continuing on past HHN’s leading up to this year then I will move forward with the report. It is fun to look back on previous HHN‘s.

HHN 30 In 2020 was actually called off do to the virus. Universal left two houses open though for all park attendees to visit that September.

It was nice that Universal did that and it gave people who had never attended HHN a chance to see two HHN Haunted houses.

The two houses were Bride of Frankenstein Lives and the Revenge of the Tooth Fairy. I enjoyed going through the houses and they were both good.


I enjoyed getting to visit the houses. It was sad that HHN had to be canceled, but it was the right thing to do with so much uncertainty

The Portofino Bay was closed as was Sapphire Falls. I stayed at Royal Pacific Resort and had a wonderful time. The Staff there were so kind and welcoming.

I had a very nice room over looking the pooI with a park view. I enjoyed the views from my room at night.


Royal Pacific did a wonderful job of following Covid protocols to keep their guests safe as did Universal. They went above and beyond to make things safe for their guests who had traveled to the visit.

There were some nice Halloween things to do even though HHN had been canceled.

In addition to the two houses being open for everyone to see. There was a ScareCrow Stalk. You just had to ask for the map and visit all the places on the map that had different Halloween Scarecrow vignettes.



Trick or Treating was also held this year and the stores that where involved in the Trick or Treating were clearly marked in both parks.

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I enjoyed visiting the parks during that trip.

A treat during this trip was getting to see the VelociCoaster being constructed.

The guys that do that work are brave souls for sure.



There was a Tribute Store that year and there were some scenes from BeetleJuice in the store.


The lit up pumpkins were pretty.

Because HHN 30 was cancelled in 2020 it was carried over and celebrated in 2021 as HHN 30.
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HHH 30 in 2021



1. Bride of Frankenstein
2. HHN Icons
3. Puppet Theatre Captive Audience
4. The Texas Chainsaw
5. Scary: Horror in the Heartland
6. Haunting of Hill House
7. Revenge of the Tooth Fairy
8. The Wicked Growth
9. BeetleJuice
10. Case Files Unearthed: Legendary Truth

Scare Zones
1. 30 Years for 30 Fears
2. Seek & Destroy
3. Crypt TV
4. Gorewood Forest
5. Lights, Camera, Hacktion: Eddie’s Revenge

There were 2 shows

1.Marathon of Mayhem: Carnage Factory that was a show over the Lagoon. It showed pictures of some of big names in horror films.

2. Nightmare Fuel show with performers on stage.
It was nice to finally feel things were getting back to normal and HHN was coming back to life with a full lineup house and Scare Zones.

My niece who loves Halloween too flew down for a few days. She enjoyed some HHN time for a few days with me.

I had checked into my home away from home Portofino Bay Resort and a few days later B flew in. She is the mom of he sweetest little toddler named J.

She needed a little R&R so I was glad to invite her down.

My niece on our first night of HHN.

Some Scare Zone photos

Lights, cameras, Hacktion: Eddie’s Revenge was a compilation of Scare Zone characters from previous years of HHN.




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