Becoming a fitter day at a time **Updated- Almost 7 lbs lost!!**


Earning My Ears
Dec 9, 2015
:yay: Hi. Welcome to my journal! I will keep my daily thoughts here as well as an overview of what I am eating and the activity I am getting in. I am trying to identify the main problems that are causing weight gain in my life and eradicate them:magnify:. This year my primary problem has been cutting out exercise. I bought this little guy It came yesterday and I plan to put it together today. It is usable under a desk, so my first step is to start using when I am at the computer in a sitting position until I get used to activity again. Because I cut out exercise, I developed depression and anxiety:crazy: which made my eating, well, crap and created a host of other physical problems. The first steps I am working on with my diet are to increase water intake, decrease soda intake, increase fruits and veggies, stop eating after 6pm (unless I have already planned a healthy impulsive decisions made after 6 pizza or cake:cake:, lol) and make good choices when eating out (salads with light dressings or grilled chicken sandwiches with low calorie condiments). Let the good choices begin! :rainbow:

12-9-15 257.6
12-11-15 253.6 (It is amazing how much water weight you can carry!)
12-23-15 250.8 (Hooray!! Slowly but surely making progress!
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Today so far, I drank a shake made from this stuff with 1/2 c soy milk and 1/2 c ice cubes. It actually isn't that bad. Also, got in 32 oz water this morning :flower1:. I was going to eat a banana with my shake, but my loving husband took the last one to work :badpc:. For morning snacks I will pack mandarins and applesauce. Me and my little buddies, DS3:teleport: and DS4 :car:are headed out in a little bit to hit the optometrist to renew my contact prescription and make sure that the wavy lines I have been experiencing are in fact from migraines like the neurologist says:rolleyes2. The lunch plan is to hit whole foods char bar or to get a grilled chicken item from chick fil a on the way to the dr appt for the kids. After the dr we need to hit Walmart:crazy2:. Ugh, I hate it. Then home. Supper plan is to eat chicken, teriyaki broccoli and rice, that I made yesterday(ended up buying thin ribeyes on a whim and cooking those with steamed brocolli). Afternoon/evening snack plan is small bag of popcorn and a fiber one bar(cut this out when I decided to have extra steak).

Potential temptations:stir::
Starbucks drink on way to optometrist (not gonna do costs too much anyway)
Fried Chick Fil a sandwich instead of grilled (not gonna do it)
Coke and fries at Chick fil a (If I feel too tempted I might get a diet lemonade instead of water but not gonna do coke....and either gonna do a side salad or no side)
Krispy Kreme Donuts right by speech therapy (not gonna do it)
Walmart Mcdonalds filet o fish or fries (not gonna do it)
Drinking pepsi tonight while watching tv(not gonna do it....gonna mix up some crystal light that I have in the cabinet)

Main Targets for the day:dogdance::
8 glasses of water (32 oz down) DONE!!
2 servings of fruit (2 planned in morning snacks) DONE!!
2 servings of vegetables (side salad at lunch, broccoli in supper) DONE!!
Put together portable elliptical and use at desk for 30 minutes Only halfway it put together but didn't get a chance to use it.
My final food list for the day:
-Nature's Bounty Chocolate Shake powder with 1/2c soy milk and 1/2 c ice
-Navel Orange
-Gogosqueez Applesauce
-Chick Fil A Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Side Salad with low fat honey mustard and bell pepper crispy things, diet lemonade
-Yoplait Strawberry Cheesecake yogurt
-Ribeye Steak 8 oz, 1.5 c broccolli, 1 Tablespoon of butter (Egad!:headache: Gonna have to dial the butter back next time)
-Got in all 8 glasses of water plus diet lemonade from Chick fil a. No soda!!:cloud9: So proud of myself.

In addition to meeting my targets (except the elliptical one), I also took my 4 year old to get a donut at Krispy Kreme today. I got a water and watched him eat a donut.:flower1: Not trying to toot my own horn, but that is pretty awesome for me. Sometimes I forget that self control is a muscle and you have to exercise it. I haven't done that in a long time. So glad I could watch my boy enjoy something without feeling compelled to eat the same.
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Had plans to take the kids to a play today but I am nixing those plans. Sometimes I make too many plans. I want to do all these fun things but then it affects my ability to plan for important things like healthy meals and getting housework done. If we are gone all day I know we will eat out and it will be more difficult to make healthy choices. Also, if we are gone all day I will be more likely to be tired and stressed when I get home and possibly make a bad decision for supper (like pizza, lol). So today, I am using to catch up on laundry, bake some cupcakes to take to a Christmas Party and relax. Breakfast was a smoothie with spinach, tropical fruit mix, banana, dannon light and fit yogurt, and soy milk.

The plan for the rest of the day:
Snack-Oranges, 100 calorie bag popcorn
Lunch-Chicken with teriyaki broccoli and rice
Snack-sugar free jello, yoplait strawberry yogurt
Supper-Frozen semi healthy shepherds pie (can't remember the brand)
Sweets-Banana with a couple tablespoons of cool whip free and cinnamon

Possible Temptations:earseek::
-Drinking Pepsi (It is on the counter, but I don't have to drink it. I have the self control:thumbsup2 to leave it for my husband)
-Sitting on the computer during nap time and doing nothing (I will fold all the clean laundry and 30 minutes on the portable elliptical:boat:)
-Eating the kids animal crackers:eek:
-Trying a cupcake when they are done (I don't have to try them. I have made this recipe before and it is fine. I will have one at the party tomorrow::yes::)

My food for today looked pretty much as listed above except I didn't eat the sugar free jello, I added a sugar free apple cider with morning snack, a light string cheese with supper, and 1/2c egg nog:confused3. I am pretty enthused that I have made it two days without any carbonated beverages or caffeine :jumping1:. I did try 2 of the animal crackers but I let that be it:thumbsup2. I didn't even make the cupcakes. I decided to do it tomorrow so they will be more fresh. I got all the laundry folded and some time on the elliptical (maybe 10 minutes). I would call today a success:banana::cheer2::banana:!
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So Saturday, Sunday and Monday came and went with no time for online tracking. Saturday was a pretty good eating day. I got in all my water and at least 2 fruits and 2 vegetables. I remember being happy that I passed up a person selling hot krispy kreme dozens on the side of the road:worship:. Sunday was great the up until around late afternoon. I was going in for an EGD on Monday and wigging out about dying or complications because I have some pretty intense anxiety:scared:. I was pretty stressed and went for hibachi express. I split a hibachi chicken dinner, cream cheese wontons, and dumplings with my husband but I did over eat on fatty food. Monday, I had my procedure. Once I got out of the hospital I scarfed down a cheese danish in my versed induced stupor:teeth:. When I got home I ate salmon, rice, and green beans. Later that evening we went to ride a small Christmas railway with the littles and ate some terrible cafe food ( chicken salad croissants, nachos, mozzarella sticks, hot chocolate, coke, chocolate:crazy2:). About activity.....I haven't gotten into a routine with it. Ugh! I feel like my food is slowly getting better and that is what I want. Slow changes over time. None of this crash diet crap for me. If it won't work over the long term I am not interested:rockband:.
I haven't been able to keep posting with such detail every day but I am so proud of myself. I have been avoiding sodas and getting in all of my water most days. I have also been doing well on getting in my fruit and veggies:yay:!! My work the last few weeks has paid off, because I am sitting at almost 7 lbs lost:cloud9:! I am so happy. Woke up to 250.8:worship: on the scale this morning! I also joined a gym nearby that does trade outs. That means you work two 3 hour shifts in the nursery a month and you get a free membership. I am pretty jazzed about that:flower1:.
Good for you! You are doing great. If I may, looking over your diet you have a fair amount of sugar. Have you considered doing more of an Atkins style with low carbs and very low sugar? You were critical of eating butter, but IMHO that's not an issue. The sugar (even natural sources in tortilla chips and potatoes) can have ill effects on your mood, and you mentioned you'd been having mood issues before. In any case, do what works for you, but having been on the same journey as you, and even running some miles with you (loved meeting yoU!), that is my recommendation. I am SO PROUD OF YOU for giving up soda and getting your water in! Go you!


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