Gambling is an evil thing

Gambling can indeed be very tempting and often leads to losses, as the house typically has the advantage. It's good that you've learned from your experience and found ways to avoid temptation. For guys who still enjoy gambling in moderation, online platforms like joy casino offer a variety of games with the convenience of playing from home. It's important to set limits and gamble responsibly to avoid falling into the trap of chasing losses. Learning from past mistakes and making better choices in the future is key.
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I understand the viewpoint that gambling can be problematic, but it also has its fun aspects when done responsibly. Casinos offer entertainment, social interaction, and the thrill of the game, which can be enjoyable in moderation. Like you, I've always wanted to visit a Las Vegas casino to experience the excitement and atmosphere firsthand.

Since I haven't made it to Las Vegas yet, I've been playing online just for fun, not aiming for big money. This allows me to enjoy the games without the risk of significant financial loss. You can find different online gaming options here, where the focus is on enjoying the experience rather than the gamble.
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I'm going the first weekend in May to a local casino for a spa weekend- I am bringing with me 1,000 in cash- just what I am comfortable losing- if/when I lose that then I am done- I leave my ATM card home so no dipping into that if I run out LOL.
The only thing I truly enjoyed gambling on was horse racing back in the day. The cost/enjoyed ratio was usually positive. For gambling my thoughts go to: If i used this money elsewhere, how likely is that to be more satisfying. This is why I don’t buy scratchoffs and have never initiated a casino trip myself. There’s always something I’d prefer insted.
I'm finally getting to go to the casino again on the 25th of this month. I haven't gone since my uncle got sick and then passed some years ago and then the pandemic. I budgeted for it, and I *never* deviate from my budget, don't bring my debit card, and once the money's gone I'm done. I'll miss my uncle being there, though-quite apart from the fact that I loved him to bits, he used to slip me ten dollar bills when he thought my aunt wasn't looking whenever I ran out of money earlier than everyone else.
Luckily for me, gambling does not scratch my particular itch, because in other dimensions of my life "too much of everything is just enough." I just can't get past the fact that, on average, every $1 I put on the table will return $0.96 in games of chance. In games of skill I assume the person on the other side of the bet knows more than I do.

This is also why I'm a dyed-in-the-wool index investor.
I jumped to the last page so forgive me if someone has said this. I view gambling as entertainment, just like going out to the movies or dining out.
I set a limit of how much $ that I am willing to lose. Same thing with going out to dinner, I am not going to overspend on a Wagyu steak when a regular cut of steak will be just fine.
I had a similar experience on my last trip. I convinced myself I was just going to have some fun, but before I knew it, I was down way more than I planned. It's crazy how quickly it can spiral out of control, right? Recognizing those moments of temptation and actively avoiding them is a big win in itself.
I don't gamble anymore when I go to Vegas. The last time I did, I won some money, went to cash it in and thought, why not make it into a bigger pot of cash? Whoops. Lost it all and then some! It's amazing how quickly you end up chasing your debts unless you are very disciplined about your spending, and I have found through experience that I am not :( My own fault. Now I just steer clear.
I've had my fair share of close calls and have learned to approach it with much more caution now. For those who still enjoy gambling in moderation, I’ve found that setting strict limits and sticking to them makes a world of difference. I've recently joined this forum, and it's been really helpful to hear everyone’s experiences and tips.


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